May 14, 2018
Eileen Zubiria
My 10 year-old son enjoyed Kidizens because he wasn't into sports and I needed an after school activity for him to attend because of my after-school p/t work schedule. He really loves playing with Legos and I'd heard good things about Kidizens from a friend. My son is on the shy side, so the small class size worked well for him, and I also really appreciated that the class was longer than most after-school offerings, 2 1/2 hours, so it covered almost all of the time where I needed him to be occupied with a stimulating activity while I worked. Kidizens is meant to engage the kids in learning about how to work together to build a Lego city and with all the infrastructure that that requires. My son got into that aspect of it, although it can be challenging when the kids don't agree on how things should be done. The instructor, Alex, was a good mediator. My son would have liked to just do free Lego play as well, but the aspect of working and planning to build a city with a team is a pretty cool learning experience for young kids.