Learn the basic formula to make more engaging vlogs.
12:00pm Sign-in, snack, Open Space
1:00pm Check-in
1:30pm Lecture
2:00pm LAB
3:00pm Photo Excursion
4:00pm Open Space
5:00pm Close
Every Friday is an end of session party celebrating the work that is accomplished that week.
What to Bring
Walking shoes and sunscreen.
Cancellation Policy
Daily attendance will be taken during the classes and activities. All students are to attend all classes they are scheduled. If a student misses a class, a parent/guardian will be contacted immediately. If it is necessary for a student to be absent from the after-school program for any reason, the parent/guardian should call the program’s office (408-998-2783 X24). If the program office has not received a phone call, the participant must bring a written statement from parents or guardian to the program's office upon returning to the DMC Studio. After three unexcused absences, the student will be dropped from the program and his or her spot will be given to the next person on the waiting list. No exceptions.
About MACLA / Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana
MACLA is a contemporary arts space in the Bay Area offering groundbreaking programs in visual, performing, and literary arts to bridge cultural divides…