Refund/Transfers for In-person: In order to receive a refund for a class you wish to cancel, or transfer to a different course, you must submit a request either in writing or via email to Little Loudspeakers Academy, LLC 14 calendar days prior to the first class. A $40 service charge is applied to each class for which you are requesting a refund or transfer. If you are requesting a transfer, space must be available in the desired course. Camp & Workshop
Refund/Transfers For Camps and Online Classes: For programs 5 days or less in duration and for Online Classes, in order to receive a refund for a cancelled class or transfer to a different course, you must submit a request either in writing or via email to Little Loudspeakers Academy, LLC at least 21 calendar days prior to the first class. A $40 service charge is applied to each class for which you are requesting a refund or transfer. If you are requesting a transfer, space must be available in the desired course. Refunds and/or credits will not be issued with less than 21 days’ notice. If the original registration was made with cash or check, refund will be issued by check. If payment was made by credit card, refund will be issued to the card of payment. You will receive your refund check or credit within 30 days. Medical emergencies are exempt from the policy; however, a signed statement from your doctor is required prior to the last class to be eligible for a refund and will be prorated for classes that were attended. Class Cancellations & Waiting Lists: Early registration is recommended instead of waiting for the first day of class. Should a class not meet the minimum number of students within three days prior to starting, it will be cancelled. Any students registered will receive a refund or credit with thirty days of the scheduled first day of class. If a class has reached its maximum capacity prior to your registrations, you may choose to go on the waitlist. Should an opening occur, Little Loudspeakers Academy, LLC will contact those on the waiting list, in order of placement, and payment is required at that time. Being placed on the waitlist does not guarantee enrollment in the class. Please do not go to the class if you are on the waiting list.Late Pick-Up Policy:For the safety of our participants, it is required that they are picked up on time at the end of each class. Should the participant be picked up late, a $5 late fee starting 15 minutes after the end of class will be charged, with an additional $1 for every minute thereafter. Should the participant not be picked up within thirty minutes of the end of class, Local Police Department will be contacted. Late fees must be paid within 3 business days of receiving the late notice, otherwise your child may not be allowed to return to the program.Code of Conduct Policy:All individuals are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct.All students are expected to care for themselves, others, and their classroom environment.All students are expected to speak and behave politely and kindly toward others; showing excellence in manners.All students are expected to be considerate: showing respect for self and others; tolerating others; thinking of the feelings/circumstances of othersAll students are expected to collaborate: contributing to a positive tone/image; accepting consequences when rules are broken; working, studying and playing cooperatively with others.All students are expected to use their common sense as a guide for behavior: by stopping and thinking carefully before doing anything!
For first violation of Code of conduct: Intervention – Private, verbal warning will be given.
Recurrence/ For second violation of Code of conduct: Intervention – “Cool Off” Time/Removal from the group. Discussion of the incident with the staff, when the participant deems himself/herself ready he/she may re-join the group
Recurrence/ For third violation of Code of conduct: Intervention- Parent phone contact by participant in staff/instructor presence indicating that the next incident will result in removal or suspension from the program. An Incident Report is completed by staff documenting incident(s) and measures taken.
Recurrence/ For fourth violation of Code of conduct: The following behaviors will result in the IMMEDIATE REMOVAL of the participant
:Fighting (hitting, punching, kicking another participant, regardless of reason.)
Physical abuse of a staff member
Direct abusive/obscene/profane language/gesture to staff or participant.
Little Loudspeakers Academy LLC