Featured Activities
I Don't Wanna Grow Up Kids Camp is all about kids being free to play in the outdoors. We will take kids to some of the most beautiful locations on the peninsula and let them enjoy nature in the way they'd like. It's a awesome opportunity that is becoming more and more rare these days. If we're doing our job your children will come home happy, tired and dirty.
We currently offer four different activities for kids who join our camp. We began with Outdoor Free Play. This is where most of the tired, dirty and happy happens. Kids will have an opportunity to create their own experiential learning through play. This is foundationally important for children and something they are getting less and less of today. We keep them safe and let them decide what they do and which friends they do it with. Adults play with children but do not lead specific structured play. We provide amazing environments and they let their imaginations run free within them.
Our second activity is L.A.R.P. (live action role play) this is a cross between our outdoor free play and our dungeons and dragons. We provide the structure of guided activities and storyline with some games and competitions mixed in. The kids choose a class, dress up and act out the heroic deeds of their role play character. Fun is had by all ages and types of kids. Fair warning this is an activity where most kids are engaged in simulated combat. This is not intense but it is rough and tumble for sure. For kids who aren't into that they can play a healer, bard, archer or less combative class. All of our LARP activities are outside.
Finally, we offer Dungeons and Dragons. Our DnD comes in two flavors: In-person outdoors and online. Whichever suits your needs best is the one you should choose. If you aren't familiar with DnD it is a fantasy based role playing game. Kids will create a class, race and unique background for their character and then our Dungeon Master will guide their party (group of players) through an adventure. They will learn teamwork, creativity, problem solving, confidence and make friends. My father taught me to play when I was 7 years old and I have loved playing all my life. No experience is necessary and we love new players. DnD is for everyone!
As a child growing up most of my life was spent outside. I explored hills, climbed trees, searched out wildlife in the world around me and played at the beach. I loved my childhood and the tremendous benefit of learning and growing up outside. It made me fit, strong, social and gave me a lifelong curiosity about the world around me. I want to help your children have that same experience.
Staff-My name is James Reed and I am the owner/operator of the business. I am the eldest of six children. I have two children of my own. Lincoln is age 19 and will be at camp as a helper from time to time. Liam is almost five. I am CPR and first aid certified and current. Each day we will carry a basic first aid kit as well. I have also passed recent background checks as well. As a Boy Scout leader I competed mandatory reporter training. I have earned the Lifesaving merit badge in scouting and teach wilderness survival classes.
In 2008 I went back to school to earn a degree and become an elementary school teacher. My major was Child and Adolescent development at San Jose State. Working with children is my passion and my education.
I have worked with kids my entire life as a parent, older brother, teacher, mentor, scout leader, coach, program director and camp director. Kids and animals have always been my people. I love working with kids and they are the unquestioned best part of this job. I experience joy on a daily basis in this work.
CPR and First Aid certified
Verified Background check
Mandatory Reporter certified
Lifelong Scout