Questions & Answers
What is the camper to counselor ratio? What is min age and qualifications of the counselors? (Outdoor Free Play for Kids) -
asked on Apr 18, 2021
Apr 20, 2021 - James Reed
We keep our ratio at 8:1 children to adults. We use counselors 18 or above unless they are the 3rd or 4th counselor with a group. -
Do you have an updated mask policy? Your program sounds great, but unless everyone is masked except when socially distanced eating and drinking, we will look elsewhere. (Outdoor Free Play for Kids) -
asked on Feb 02, 2021
Feb 03, 2021 - James Reed
I will be updating our COVID policies. Employees will wear masks during transit. Due to individual health concerns I will not require children to wear masks outdoors. That decision will rest with individual parents. -
Any way there is extended care in the morning for an 8:00am drop off? (Outdoor Free Play for Kids) -
asked on Aug 03, 2021
Aug 04, 2021 - James Reed
You would need to contact me directly in order to discuss details. -
Do you take photos while kids are playing, and share those pictures with parents?
asked on Apr 27, 2021
Apr 27, 2021 - James Reed
We have a dedicated Instagram account- idontwannagrowupkidscamp are we take pics and posts them there. We include locations as well. -
Hi! From the description, it sounds like this camp takes place outdoors. In the case of rain, does the camp get cancelled? (Dungeons and Dragons Day Camp) -
asked on Mar 12, 2025
Mar 12, 2025 - James Reed
If the rain is heavy we have a few indoor alternatives. If the rain is not heavy we are still playing outside. In our 8 years I can count on one hand the number of times we've gone inside. -
Do you have any older kids 11 and up for week of July 10th? I have an interested kid who would love to be around others his age. (Dungeons and Dragons Day Camp)
asked on Apr 21, 2023
Apr 21, 2023 - James Reed
Which activity are you asking for? We almost always have kids covering the entire age range for each session. DnD for sure we have kids that age. -
My kid wants to learn how to play this game. Will his lack-of-previous experience be an issue? (Dungeons and Dragons Day Camp)
asked on Aug 17, 2022
Hi, Is it possible we can pick up kids earlier, say 2pm? We can drive to the outdoor location. (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Jul 12, 2022
Jul 12, 2022 - James Reed
Are you wanting to pick your child up at 2pm on a single day or every day of a week? -
We're considering signing up our 15 yr old for DnD the week of 6/20. Are there other registrants close to him in age? (Dungeons and Dragons Day Camp)
asked on Apr 29, 2022
May 13, 2022 - James Reed
That week we have two twelve year olds and an eleven year old registered as of now. -
My son really enjoys min-max’ing character’s how much of that do you allow for? Also what level do the characters start at and what level Will they end at (Online Dungeons and Dragons)
asked on Apr 28, 2022
Apr 29, 2022 - James Reed
There are many different types players, including power players. All are welcome. As for starting level it will depend on the group and the module. If we have some experienced players we can start at level 3 or 5. We don't typically start higher than level 5. As far as how far they can go that depends on how many weeks he plays for. I would say typical is about 2 levels per week. All of these factors adjust based on the group. -
My child is interested but is scared that their character might die during the game. Does the group work within a “no-kill” framework? (Online Dungeons and Dragons)
asked on Aug 08, 2021
Aug 09, 2021 - James Reed
Character death and TPK (total party kill) are crucial elements of learning to play DnD. They teach kids that actions have consequences. That said character death is quite rare and never means the end of the player playing. We always introduce the subject gently and before hand. -
Jul 11, 2022 - Hartly Llosa
If a character dies and one or more of the party is a higher level spellcaster they can probably revive the character and if it’s a low level game then you just create a new character and keep on playing which is fun because you could create another character and creating characters is fun -
See more answers (1)
Hi, we will strive to be on time for drop off everyday. But just in case there are any delays due to unforseen circumstances, how do you handle late comers? Is the departure time at 8:30 on the dot? (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Jul 30, 2021
Jul 30, 2021 - James Reed
We are typically at pick up and drop off locations until around 9am. If you would be later than that please let one of the counselors on the contact information know. -
Will it be possible to pick my child up early on days when he has other activities that start at 4? Will you be at Mitchell Park or a different location? (L.A.R.P. Outdoor Play Camp)
asked on Jun 12, 2021
Jun 13, 2021 - James Reed
For LARP and DnD in person camp the kids will be at Mitchell Park all day. You can pick them up there any time before 4pm. Just let us know. -
What is your current Covid Policy? (L.A.R.P. Outdoor Play Camp)
asked on Jun 12, 2021
Jun 13, 2021 - James Reed
As you may be aware on June 15th the governor is lifting the outdoor mask mandate for all ages statewide. We do not require masks outdoors. We will follow through with whatever parents decide is best for their children. -
Sounds like a fun camp! My only concern is the transportation. Who are the drivers? (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Jun 04, 2021
Jun 05, 2021 - James Reed
My name is James I am the owner and one of the drivers. Our other primary driver is Mercedes and she has grown children of her own. We have a 3rd driver who varies but all drivers are very safe with good driving records. -
I am glad to have stumbled upon this camp! Can we still sign up if we only need M-Th of this week? Can you prorate this shortened schedule at all? In appreciation, Isabella (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Jun 02, 2021
Do you have car seats or booster seats for kids? Or do parents provide them? (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Apr 20, 2021
can siblings be grouped together? I have a 5 yo boy and 10 year old girl? (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Apr 07, 2021
Apr 08, 2021 - James Reed
Absolutely yes. We offer three different pick up spots for convenience. All of the kids are together for activities and we can certainly make sure siblings ride together. -
How do the children travel to the different locations? (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Apr 05, 2021
Apr 06, 2021 - James Reed
We have a 15 passenger mini bus, 15 passenger van and two full size SUVs which we use for transportation. -
What are the COVID precautions during transit to the sites each day? Are all kids and counselors required to wear masks? Van windows open for ventilation? Are parents allowed to drop off/pick up kids from the sites (rather than have them transported in vans)? (L.A.R.P. Outdoor Play Camp)
asked on Apr 02, 2021
Where is this located ? (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Mar 28, 2021
Mar 29, 2021 - James Reed
Do you mean locations for activities or for drop off and pick up? -
Do camp counselors wear masks the whole time, not just during the bus rides? To confirm, kids do not have to wear masks the entire time? That seems a little unsafe...? (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Mar 19, 2021
Hello! Is this one day camp one full campaign? Thank you! (Online Dungeons and Dragons)
asked on Feb 24, 2021
Feb 25, 2021 - James Reed
I'm not sure which dates and times you are referring to? We have single days available on the weekends and we also offer week long campaigns when kids are out of school (such as the upcoming Spring Breaks). Feel free to email or call if you have more questions. James 650.669.9133 -
We would love to do this Feb 15-16 when my son has off of school. This is the last day to do the scholarship? (Online Dungeons and Dragons)
asked on Feb 01, 2021
Feb 03, 2021 - James Reed
We will be playing DnD all week that week. As far as scholarships are concerned Activity Hero handles those directly. You can contact me directly to try and arrange with me personally. -
Hello! Will you be running a D&D camp week of Dec 28? (Online Dungeons and Dragons)
asked on Dec 18, 2020
Dec 19, 2020 - James Reed
Yes we will be having DnD camp from the 28th- January 1st. -
Can I sign my child up for the first day of the D&D winter session (Dec. 21-24) with the option of adding on the remainder of the 4 day session once she's completed day 1? She's super excited to try D&D but she's a complete newbie so I'd like to make sure she has 4 day x 4 1/2 hours worth of online attention in her. I believe she'll love it, but I'd like to suss it out first before committing to the entire session. Is this possible? (Online Dungeons and Dragons)
asked on Dec 11, 2020
Dec 11, 2020 - James Reed
Yes, you absolutely can do that. We have brand new kids often. I recommend buying her the Players Handbook 5th edition. She can read up and get a bit of a jump start. -
We absolutely love your sessions. Would that be possible to have sessions that run few days a week but maybe span multiple weeks. Otherwise its conflicting with other possible one day of the week after school activities (Online Dungeons and Dragons)
asked on Aug 30, 2020
Aug 31, 2020 - James Reed
Yes, for the fall you can sign up for individual days. We even have listings for AM and PM sign ups as well. -
Any chance you'll be offering for the following week (31st to 4th?) (Online Dungeons and Dragons)
asked on Aug 24, 2020
Aug 25, 2020 - James Reed
Yes, we will be offering our online DnD during the week going forward for the rest of the year. I will post the new sessions today. -
I see that Discord is used for communication. The Terms of Service for Discord specifies that users must be age 13 or older. Discord also has a problematic reputation as to content and behavior there. How do you work with this? (Online Dungeons & Dragons After School Camp)
asked on Aug 18, 2020
Could you tell me how many kids join 1 week camp in the week of Aug 17? (Online Dungeons and Dragons)
asked on Aug 15, 2020
Aug 15, 2020 - James Reed
Right now we have 3 kids enrolled. -
What is the size of the group? How many supervisors per group? Do supervisors wear masks? (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Jul 31, 2020
Aug 05, 2020 - James Reed
The size varies from week to week. 25-35 is normal on occasion we go to 40. We maintain child to adult ratios of no more of 8 to 1. Typically it closer to 6 to 1. This week we have 6. Parents decide if their children wear masks. Supervisors wear masks in transit. -
I am unclear what the protections are for Covid? So this kids are in the bus/car but don't wear masks? Do the counselors? (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Jul 17, 2020
Will you send us links to connect to fantasy ground and how to get discord? How does it work? (Online Dungeons and Dragons)
asked on Jul 08, 2020
Jul 09, 2020 - James Reed
Discord and Fantasy Grounds can both be downloaded from their websites (google search). I will send a link to join the Discord channel we use. Discord is for chat and Fantasy Grounds is for game play. The Dungeon Masters will guide you through how to use them. -
Is it possible to sign up for single days? My daughter is interested in July 13 to 15 only. Thank you. (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Jul 07, 2020
Hi James! This camp sounds wonderful! We would love to attend starting July 6th, our mature 4 year old will turn 5 July 30th. Is it okay to join? Thanks! (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Jul 03, 2020
Jul 03, 2020 - James Reed
Yes, he is welcome to join. The age restriction is intended to insure they can change and feed themselves as well as carry their own backpack. See you next week. -
Sorry still unclear is it Voice chat in discord or all in writing in Discord? (Online Dungeons and Dragons)
asked on Jun 29, 2020
Jun 29, 2020 - James Reed
Discord is for voice only. We use Fantasy Grounds Classic for the gameplay. It shows maps, tokens, combat tracker and dialogue within Fantasy Grounds. But all voice communication is done via Discord. -
Is communication happening thought voice or typing. Our 7 year old can read well, but not yet fluent in chat typing. (Online Dungeons and Dragons)
asked on Jun 27, 2020
Jun 28, 2020 - James Reed
Communication is done by chat using Discord. There is also typing available in gameplay. -
How long is the longest drive? I reallly like the idea of being outdoors, but I'm concerned about a long drive with a bunch of ppl in one bus in terms of covid exposure. Even if wearing masks. Thanks! (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Jun 25, 2020
Hi, I'd like to send my daughter to the camp, what will be the safety procedure to comply covid19 situation? Thanks! (Outdoor Free Play for Kids)
asked on Jun 18, 2020
Jun 19, 2020 - James Reed
Our goal at I Don't Wanna Grow Up kids camp is to support the decision you have made as parents. If you want your children to wear a mask we will have them do that. The places we go are wide open outdoor spaces with plenty of room. We have wipes and hand sanitizer for the kids as well. -
Where is the link to join the camp after payment? (Online Dungeons and Dragons)
asked on Jun 17, 2020
Do the kids walk from Rengstorff park to Game Kastle? Thanks (Dungeons and Dragons Day Camp)
asked on Jun 16, 2020
Jun 16, 2020 - Casey (ActivityHero Admin)
From the camp provider..."Thanks for the note. We will drive them over and drop them off. You still have to pick them up at Slyvan at 4pm." -
Will a Google Chromebook work for this class? (Online Dungeons and Dragons)
asked on Jun 13, 2020
Jun 14, 2020 - James Reed
Yes, a Google Chromebook will work. The only compatibility issue is with a Mac that has OS 10.15. -