(Family Game Night)
December 6, 2020 - Cheri Warren
Verified Purchase
My daughter really enjoyed learning about finances while playing fun games.
(Camp Millionaire 101, Live Online)
August 16, 2020 - Ingrid S clark
Verified Purchase
I would DEFINITELY invite other people to do this, but I would first warn them that is 3 hours straight in from of a screen. I reallllllly enjoyed Camp Millionaire. It taught me a lot. Miss Hua was so patient and fun:). I was with my sister Esther and cousin Ashlee at the time and we all loved it. It was VERY fun otherwise.
Cash Savvy Kids
August 17, 2020
Thank you for your review Ms Clark. We loved having them in class this past week.
(Camp Millionaire 101, Live Online)
August 15, 2020 - Tayneshia Lowe
Verified Purchase
My child and I truly appreciate the delivery of the information during the program, especially during a pandemic. He was stunned and extremely excited about the program from start to finish! The value of the learned information was definitely a great way to allow him how to fully understand the fullness of the importance of living financially free. We are excited to announce that we will ensure the completion of the next level of the program.
Cash Savvy Kids
August 17, 2020
Thanks so much for the review. We can wait to see him back in the Fall!
(Camp Millionaire 201, Live Online)
August 9, 2020 - Ondine Chattan
Verified Purchase
We loved this camp! My sons were so enthusiastic and driven to get involved and they talked about the class for hours after each session. Thank you for engaging them and broadening their horizons. It was one of their favorite summer activities and they have had an action-packed summer so this is high praise. Very practical and useful information presented in a fun, engaging, and most importantly memorable style. We will be back for more sessions! -Ondine Chattan
Cash Savvy Kids
August 17, 2020
Thank you for taking the time to submit a review. We're so glad they enjoyed the camp.
(Camp Millionaire 101, Live Online)
July 24, 2020 - Stella De bode
Verified Purchase
I asked my son to quit when the mediators could not answer the question from another kid. She asked what Social Security is and why it is called like this. The mediators were at loss and one of them said that it existed even when her grandfather was around?! Before that a child asked what “irrigation” was (after saying where tax money goes). Another confusion followed with a pause and a convoluted answer not suitable for children. I was appalled by the lack of preparation and switched the session off.
See more reviews (13)