June 12, 2017
Fadi Al-Refaee
Verified Purchase
I highly recommend this camp. To execute on the "let's get down to fun" attitude focused on developing skills in an engaging manner, coach Ken starts with some cool West African or local up-tempo musical beats as he and the assistant coaches work on completing setup as the parents roll in. There are 5 coaching assistants at any time and they're highly organized as well as being attentive - I got the sense that all children are being monitored at all times. Any fear I had of safety (a stranger coming on-to the field to snatch a child when unsuspecting coaches are focused elsewhere) dissipates when you realize these coach Ken trains his assistants like seasoned professionals to focus on security first. On Thu, my 7, 6 year olds and I got in 30 mins early and helped setup goals and drill placements around the field. The children learned a few new items that day. My only pet peeve about the field location is that it was in the furthest corner from any water cycle facilities so it takes ~10mins or so to take care of any biological needs. Over the 5 day camp I signed my children up for, both were exhausted when I picked them up at 4PM. They crashed on the 15min drive home every single day and could barely stay awake by the time 8PM bed time rolled around. Seeing them sleep deeply for 10+ hours and seeing their appetites grow this past week, and then getting excited when putting on their shin guards and tying up their laces the next morning while raving about the fun they're about to have and what they might learn is the best experience I could ask for.