Culinary Creations! (Gr K-2) Camp Dates:
June 23-27
June 30-July 3 (4 day camp)
Do you have a child that’s always underfoot in the kitchen? Well then look no further for summer plans! Join us for two weeks of culinary fun! We’re going to explore the fun side of cooking, the scientific side of cooking and the delicious side of cooking! From colour changing teas to the magic of pickling to three ingredient popsicles, this camp promises to be fun & yummy! On your marks! Get set! Let’s cook!
Culinary Creations! (Gr 3-5) Camp Dates:
July 7-11
July 14-18
The recipe for this unique camp is one part science, one part art, one part cooking, with a dash of engineering and a bushel of fun! Campers will learn about the science of fermentation with hands-on activities, including the cultivation of sourdough starters, and the preparation of pickles! Kids will make their own laser cut Fermentation Homes using creativity and problem solving skills! Campers will make (and eat!) homemade pastas & sauces and bread & butter! Yum!
Please Note: Most camp sessions have 2 unique weeks of programming. If you’re spending all summer with us, our recommendation is that your child choose 3 different subjects and do two weeks of each! We recommend having your child enroll in both weeks of themed camps to get the full benefit of programming, but single week sessions are ok too!
With Love & Glitter,
-Team CASA!