We loved having her at camp! She's such a kind, positive spirit and a lovely addition to the summer CASA community! We hope she'll return next summer! With Love & Glitter, -Team CASA!
Increible,súper ,Mehdi está disfrutándolo y a veces no quiere volver a casa! Incredible, super, Mehdi is enjoying it and sometimes he doesn't want to go home!
My kids (4.5 and 8) absolutely LOVED CASA summer camp. The teachers/staff are friendly and fun. Since they are different ages, they were in different classes. They wanted to be with each other as much as possible. The staff was amazing at checking in with both of them and helping them coordinate activities they could do together when the whole camp comes together. Leslie has an amazing team of people and we will continue to attend CASA!
CASA consistently delivers the goods: fun, creativity, arts and crafts, workshops, and friends— all informed by a deep well of social-emotional skill building. Thanks again, CASA!
With Love & Glitter,
-Team CASA!