This activity does not have any upcoming sessions open for registrations on ActivityHero right now. We can send you an email when they do.
Student-Teacher Ratio 8:1
Cultivate your Kung Fu Ancestral Survival Skills! With Diamond Dahlstrom and the BEan Crew
Please READ Location Updates
The original meaning of Kung Fu is not a martial art. It means to develop a skill through work and effort. John Muir Laws
Youth will interact with nature by familiarizing themselves with different aspects of ancient survival living.
Traditional survival skills
Deep in all of our lineages are traditions that connect us all to the earth. The skills your child will learn in Ancestral Survival camp will tap into their instinctual knowledge and offer immediate feedback, they are our teachers of ecology, resiliency, focus, cultivating rich sensory awareness, humility towards life and responsibilities to care take our earth.
Ancestral Survival Skills:
The Art of the Scout: With stealth and awareness, become a protector of the unseen and unheard in the forest! Learn skills, wild craft and more!
Ancestral Survival Skills - Wild Bush Crafts and Skills: Train to cultivate the skills of ancestral survival. Find shelter, track animals, learn to safely use a wood carving knife and much more. Kids work together in a team, embarking on outdoor adventures and discovering community!
Excursion on Thursday - Cancelled During 2020 Camp Season due to Covid-19
Ancestral Survival Skills: COED~Stealth and Ancient Living Skills
Please know:
-Bean has ability to drive children to and from
-Based on the park location we will devise a 1 stop easy meet up for Morn and Afternoon pick up
-If parent is not agreeable to the Friday excursion - you may opt your child out or drive them
-BEan staff to drive
*will be an adult with a driving record that is checked and cleared
*class B if we have a 15 seater van, or the recommended, along with a staff member or more in van to support the drive.