DR. SEUSS CHARACTER DRAWING by Village Center for the Arts
Grade K (class size: min 10 – max 18; fee $120) Mondays, 2:20-3:15, 6 weeks, Apr 17-Jun 5 (no class 5/15, 5/29)
Welcome to the Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss! In Dr. Seuss Character Drawing, students will learn to draw their favorite Seuss characters, listen to his beloved stories, and create their own Seuss Rhymes! This fun class will teach children the basics of drawing and help them tell their own Seuss-styled stories! At the end of the session, kids will take home a collection of their own work to share with family and friends! Village Center for the Arts (925) 676-8400 VillageCenterForTheArts.org
Cancellation Policy
You may receive a prorated refund—minus 6% processing fees—after 2 weeks (you may attend 2 classes for those that meet weekly, and 4 classes for those that meet twice a week as a trial). Requests for cancellation must be received before the 3rd week of class.There are no refunds offered after attending for 3 or more weeks, for any reason. Behavioral policies apply.
My son did chess there after school, a program run by teachers from the Berkeley Chess School. He and his friends had great fun. Some of them started getting more into chess and they ended up fielding a team at the BCS Elementary School tournament. The cost is very reasonable for a program of this sort.
The Cragmont PTA coordinates a number of Afterschool Enrichment Classes. These classes provide opportunities for students to explore additional interests…