If your child is interested in Karate or Kung Fu, get ready for a great 2017 Summer Camp experience. We teach a 10-week Kung Fu Summer Camp designed to enrich lives with memorable martial arts training. Camp begins on June 12 and goes through August 25. You can enroll for the entire 10-week program, or take camp 1 week at a time. Each week we teach a unique Kung Fu style. Whether it's Tiger style or Drunken fist, Monkey style or Tai Chi, your child will learn something truly special. (Note: there is no camp during the week of July 3-7).
Our summer camp is an adventure that will thrill your children! We pack an incredible variety of learning activities for children into every camp day here. From Kung Fu lessons, to sword fighting, to gymnastics, to Wushu Adventure games and everything in between - your child will have tremendous and unforgettable fun! An optional Magikid Robotics Lab is also available, at an additional cost. If your child is a serious or competitive Wushu student, you can expect intensive Wushu training to accelerate their skill development. Your child will love Kung Fu camp. In fact, most of our campers are repeat students who attend year after year.
Shaolin Style
For hundreds of years, the Shaolin Warrior Monks helped people in need while fiercely defending China from invaders. To this day, the Shaolin Temple is one of the most famous places in China and its monks live a life of simplicity, virtue, and strict martial arts discipline. You will learn one of the first forms that all Shaolin disciples must master.
Southern Fist
The animated television show Avatar the Last Airbender helped increase the popularity of Southern Fist as it was represented by Earth Bending. Featuring power and stability, it combines the best techniques of several styles from southern China including Wing Chun, Hung Gar, and Choy Lay Fut.
Tai Chi
Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese form of martial arts. It is a mind-body, self-healing system that uses movement, meditation, and breathing to improve health and well being. It involves gentle and relaxing exercises with mental focus that develop inner peace and comfort. You will learn key Tai Chi techniques which are practiced by people all around the world.
Drunken Fist
The Drunken Fist style has been made popular by Kung Fu movie star Jackie Chan. The Drunken Master staggers from side to side constantly on the edge of balance, and then with amazing agility strikes when the opponent least expects it. You will learn a fun Drunken Fist routine featuring some fancy and interesting moves!
Eagle Style
Kung Fu is known for styles that mimic the hunting and attacking skills of animals. The eagle is a fierce predator, and the Eagle Style master is no less dangerous. With an arsenal of deadly claw techniques, kicks, and superior balance, in ancient China the Eagle Style master was feared by opponents. You will have a great time learning this amazing form!
Snake Style
Difficult to predict, the Snake Style specializes in twisting body movements coupled with quick and vicious strikes. You will need good core strength and agility. These moves are lightning fast and precision is key here. You will learn a Snake Style form that is sure to impress!
Tiger Style
One of the most famous of Kung Fu styles, the Tiger Style is practiced by tens of thousands of students around the world. It is an extremely practical style which uses a special type of strike: the tiger claw. Capable of maiming or causing serious damage to an opponent, you should always beware the Tiger Style master!
Crane Style
The movie Kung Fu Panda helped make Crane Style famous to the West, but this style has been popular in China for hundreds of years. Originating from the Fujian province in China, this style specializes in close-range combat and intricate hand techniques. Truly, this is a classic form that all serious Kung Fu martial artists should learn!
Mantis Style
Legend has it that hundreds of years ago, a martial artist on a quest to develop a superior style of fighting observed a praying mantis fighting a snake. He imitated the movements of mantis, and so the Mantis Style was born. Using a special “praying mantis hook” hand technique, along with speedy elbow and knee strikes, the Mantis Style was also featured in the movie Forbidden Kingdom starring Jet Li and Jacky Chan.
Monkey Style
Our final summer camp session features the humorous Monkey Style! Utilizing a variety of acrobatic rolls, strikes, and even eye-pokes, this form is one of the most entertaining to perform and watch. A good deal of acting is required too, as you need to act like an actual monkey to be considered a true expert!
Not only do you get to learn top-notch Kung Fu at our summer camp, you’ll get to train in tumbling gymnastics too! During your daily gymnastics class, you’ll start with the basics - bridges, front rolls, back roll, and progress toward ever more advanced techniques such as cartwheels, round offs, hand stands, and more!
Remember, no prior experience is required. If this is your first time trying gymnastics, this is a great fun way to start! If you have tumbled before, you can hone and perfect your skills with tips from our trained instructors. All tumbling is taught with soft landing pads and safety equipment.
Padded Weapons
Who doesn’t love sword fighting? In our summer camp, we’ll teach you the proper use of a sword using our unique and safe padded weapons. You’ll learn the proper fighting stance for sword dueling (hint: it’s probably different than you think!), how to attack effectively, and how to avoid getting hit. As you gain experience, we’ll teach you combination attacks and combat strategy to give you the edge over opponents.
Sword mastery of course requires practice with a live opponent, so equipped with safety helmets you will practice dueling with the instructors and your classmates. Stay focused - it only takes one moment of distraction to lose a duel!
At Wushu Central, self defense means both knowing how to stay out of trouble, and getting out of trouble when you find yourself in it. This means that you’ll learn great strategies for avoiding danger before it comes close. You’ll also learn some neat moves to escape from common attacks such as arm holds and chokes.
Our emphasis is on self protection and safety, so we emphasize non-violence and constructive conflict resolution. The techniques you will learn are designed to get you to safety using the lowest level of force possible.
Martial arts training can get pretty physically exhausting, so we have fun craft projects for your child to build too. You'll get to exercise your creative side and bring some nifty crafts home to share with your family.
Wushu Adventure Games:
For children with an interest in fantasy and creativity, our summer camp features Wushu Adventures. Wushu Adventures combines Karate and Kung Fu moves with supervised play where children act out the adventures of their favorite heroes and superheroes. Here are some of our Wushu Adventure games:
Kung Fu Panda Tournament:
Compete to be the best of the best utilizing the whole array of Chinese martial arts padded weaponry, including swords, daggers, shields, staffs, spears, and even bow and arrows. The winner of each round gets to square off against Po, the Kung Fu Panda himself!
The Trojan War:
Relive one of the most legendary battles from ancient history! Become a mythic hero like Achilles or Ajax and storm the walls of Troy, using ancient Greek weapons like the shield and spear. Or be a brave Trojan and defend your city from the invading Greek armies, using your swords, catapults and bows to keep them at bay.
Jedi Knight:
Be a Jedi Knight like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Adi Gallia, Mace Windu or Luke Skywalker in all out Star Wars battles. Fight the lords of the dark side and face off against Darth Maul, the evil Count Dooku, and dark lord puppets General Grievous, Boba Fett and the army of the clones.
Dragon's Lair:
Warriors travel from across the sea on a quest to snatch the king's treasure. They will return to their kingdoms as heroes if they can get past the dragon (played by an instructor). Student warriors wield nothing but a (padded) sword and a heart of courage, and must work as a team to be victorious.
Pirates of the Caribbean:
You get to be Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, and Elizabeth Swann in an all out battle for supremacy of the high seas. Kids will face buccaneers, bandits and a cannon!
Samurai vs. Ninja:
Who will you be? A powerful samurai, who has dedicated his life to mastering the sword and becoming a fearless warrior? Or will you be a ninja, cunning and stealthy, who uses tricks, spells and exotic weapons to complete the mission. You choose your destiny.
Superhero Battle Royale:
What happens when Superman meets Wolverine? Or when Batman battles Lex Luther? Anything is possible in the ultimate superhero match-up, where kids get to dress up as their favorite hero or villain and do battle in the Labyrinth of Valor!
Optional Robotics Lab Add-On
We are proud to partner with Magikid Robotics Lab to provide education in technology. After an intense day of physical activity, your children can engage in robotics and coding education. The professional staff at Magikid Robotics will lead your child in a series of creative projects including:
Wonder Robots - introduces members to the basics of coding with an easy to understand and colorful interface.
Arduino - a programmable circuit board that lets you use real electronic components to build anything you can think of!
Lego WeDo - a great way to introduce building and programming interesting creations. The possibilities are endless!
Lego Mindstorms - with 5 different sensors, 2 types of motors, and endless build options, there are EV3 projects for every skill level.
Humanoid Series - combines 18 intelligent servo motors, 1 integrated sensor block, and controller; allowing you to create 30+ different types of programmable robots.
Creative Series - allows members to use sensors, gears, and motors to build and program complex, interactive machines.
The Magikid Robotics Lab class runs from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm daily, and is available for an additional fee of $399 per week. Space is limited. To register for Magikid Robotics Lab, please call (408) 850-9479 for availability.
DRESS: Dress your child in loose, comfortable clothing. Wushu Central uniforms are acceptable, but not required during camp.
FOOD: Due to the concerns dealing with food allergies and individual diet preferences, campers are to bring their own lunch and snack. Please be sure to pack the appropriate items for your child each day; please avoid any perishable foods.
My daughter was nervous about being in a class with other children, but after 4 months she can't wait for "Kung Fu Day". I've noticed a definite improvement in her focus. She also seems really motivated and I hear the instructors talking to the kids every class about attitude. It appears to work!
After just a few months, we could see a dramatic difference! I was concerned about my son Evan’s ability to listen, especially after watching him literally “run circles” around his classmates at gymnastics class. I decided to try Wushu Central (since focus and discipline were what my son needed). I signed up for the free trial class and was amazed at how well he reacted to the coach’s instructions. He would start to look away and the coach would bring him right back in focus. After just a few months, we could see a dramatic difference in his other classes and at home. I am so glad I found this!
I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you the wonderful changes I have seen in my daughter since she started taking classes at Wushu Central. At a recent Physical Fitness test at her school, she reached the level of “Presidential”. This level represents the highest level of physical fitness a student can achieve. She has been trying to reach this goal for years. I believe that the Wushu classes were instrumental in giving her the desire and training to reach this level of physical excellence. In addition, Wushu Central has helped our daughter gain more confidence and become more outgoing. Just recently I was pleasantly surprised to hear my daughter entered a Halloween costume contest at her local school on her own accord. Normally our daughter would not have the confidence to enter such a contest, and would most definitely refuse to parade in front of such a large audience.
Wushu Central has been offering classes in San Jose, California since 2003. We are a family-oriented Martial Arts school specializing in teaching Kung Fu…