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Spartans Sports Camp offers a wide variety of sports, performing arts, and academic enrichment camps for kids entering grades 1-9. Experienced staff ensures everyone has fun. Daily on-site swimming is offered for summer camps.
All camps are located at Mountain View High School. Lunch and extended care are available for your convenience. The camp is run by MVHS coaches and student-athletes and all proceeds benefit the MVHS Athletic Department. Spartans Sports Camp is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and has raised over $480,000 for the MVHS Athletic Department since 2012!
Safety is a top priority at Spartans Sports Camp. We require that all supervisory staff be certified in CPR/First Aid. In addition, all staff 18 yrs of age and older are subject to annual background checks.
We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) with all proceeds benefiting the Mtn. View HS Athletic Dept.