Prepare your High Schooler for their upcoming educational adventure with UNIVERSITY SAFETY 101. A three hour course covering safety tips for all aspects of college life:  PERSONAL PROPERTY PROTECTION  ORGANIZATIONS/HAZING  SOCIAL MEDIA  DATING/DRINKING AND DRIVING  ACTIVE SHOOTER Space is very limited. Enroll before June 1 and get a free refresher course! June 25, July 23 or July 30th 2-5 pm
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(University Safety 101)
June 22, 2020 - Jane Palmer
Great activity for my Girl Scout Troop of rising College Freshman who completed the Vision Martial Art's University Safety 101 course. This well done course lasted 3 hours, was very informative and stressed awareness, prevention, including recognizing and then avoiding scary situations that can result in harm as well as how to not make yourself a target. The girls enjoyed the class as well as the hands-on instruction for basic escape and resistance techniques. When asked if the girls learned anything new, every hand went up, the instructors were easy to speak with and the girls asked some tough questions that they felt comfortable asking. Important information was discussed including risks of hazing, drugs/alcohol, making smart safe choices and dating/relationships which the girls will encounter as they are away.
The instructor and owner, Diane Reeve who is a blackbelt nurse, helped to answer questions and the girls left with knowledge and greater confidence. I recommend every young woman attending college complete a course this course. The facility was very clean, masks were worn, social distancing was used and hand sanitizer was plentiful.
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Building Positive Life Skills Through Martial Arts for Over 25 years!
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