I would like to request info about summer writing workshop or any other writing online program that is suitable for a 9-year-old girl who loves to write stories.
(Summer Writing Workshop) -
My 9 year old daughter is interested in becoming a writer and author books. Would this be a class that would be good for her to take?
(Online Creative Writing Class) -
asked on Oct 06, 2020
Oct 07, 2020 - Dominique Prosper
Yes absolutely. We cover narrative writing. We learn how to structure our writing and improve word choice, story progression and revising. -
Is there a phone number you can be reached at? Before committing to several sessions, there are a couple of questions I’d like to discuss with you, if possible, in regards to this course. Thanks.
(Fall Reading Comprehension)
Hi! My 7 YO son seems disengaged/ uninterested when it comes to reading. When he starts reading, he gets easily distracted. It feels like it’s a lot of effort for him to answer comprehension questions associated to what he read. He does well in Math at school but reading seems “not to behis thing”.
Do you think your course can help him? And if so, how?
(Fall Reading Comprehension)
asked on Sep 14, 2020
Sep 14, 2020 - Dominique Prosper
Absolutely ma’am I’m an elementary school reading teacher. I would love to work with your learner . -
Hi. I'm thinking of enrolling my 9 year old daughter in this class, but I'm still not sure its the right class for her. Would I be able to audit part of a class to determine a good fit? Please let me know. Thank you. -Sue Nadell -Gintel
asked on Sep 01, 2020
Sep 02, 2020 - Dominique Prosper
We can meet on zoom at a day and time That works for you. -