Tale Tree Inc. does not have upcoming sessions on ActivityHero right now. We can send you an email when they do.
Exercise creative muscles through sharing creative projects and open-minded discussions.
TaleTree (www.taletree.app) is a community of creative and kind kids. Our members have their room in our app to archive their creative keepsakes and share them in the app and also at our weekly Creative Camps with their peers. The positive sharing experience will enable kids to build social, emotional skills and confidence.
Once the guardian signs up the kid(s), we run a 30-min introduction meeting with the child (before the first camp) to explain what TaleTree is about. Then we will figure out which group your kid(s) will join.
Creative Camps (https://www.taletree.app/branches) - share creations, feedback, and inspiration:
Kids explore the app (https://www.taletree.app/seedlings) to find interesting challenges to try and also get inspiration from other kids’ creations. They can provide reactions to other kids and be supportive
Explore their imagination and create things on their own before their camp(s) each week
Archive creative keepsakes in their “Room” in the app
Join their camp group to share these creations and have fun, engaging discussions around their creations
Get inspiration at our Special Camps (https://www.taletree.app/roots):
In addition to our app and Creative Camp, kids will experience our very special monthly inspiration camps. We’ve hosted guest speakers from PIXAR, Roblox, Omnom Chocolate, a wildlife animal sanctuary in Australia, a rocket scientist from Lockheed Martin, and many more. Our special guests will ignite so much inspiration and compassion in kids’ hearts.
Our online camps are available all throughout the year. During the summer, take the option of joining the camp two or three times a week.
Mon: 4-5 PM PST (age 6-8)
Mon: 5-6 PM PST (age 9-13)
Tue: 4-5 PM PST (age 6-8)
Tue: 5-6 PM PST (age 9-13)
Wed: 4-5 PM PST (age 7-9)
Wed: 4-5 PM PST (age 6-8)
The: 4-5 PM PST (age 6-8)
Fri: 4-5 PM PST (age 6-8)
Fri: 5-6 PM PST (age 9-13)
Fri: 4-5 PM PST (age 6-9)
Pick a price plan:
1 Creative Camp/week - $60
The Founder of TaleTree
- MBA from Sloan School of Business at MIT
- Years of experience working with kids and help them develop disccussion and leadership skills
Camp Captains
- Trained in fascilitating positive conversations among kids