Questions & Answers
My son will be 3 years and 1 month by the time the class starts. I know the age range is 3-5. Is this the appropriate class for him? (Super Soccer Stars Class) -
asked on May 15, 2022
May 16, 2022 - Christian O'Saile
This will depend on where you think your child would thrive best! I'll add the difference between our 2-3 years classes and 3-5 years classes below, and you can choose which is most comfortable for your child. 2-3 years: Soccer classes at this age are an exciting physical learning experience allowing your child to improve their natural ability in a fun and engaging way, with aspects of parent participation incorporated into the curriculum. Activities are presented using imagery relatable to children at this age to support learning about the body and ball awareness. The primary focus of each 40-minute class is to introduce physical activities, rich language exposure, and movements such as running, hopping and jumping. Classes include fun dribbling and shooting activities to teach positive social interaction and the basic skills of soccer! 3-4/5 Years: The focal point at this age group is for your child to be comfortable with the ball by further developing soccer skills such as dribbling, shooting and the introduction of passing. 45 minute classes include partner activities to promote sharing, listening, respect and cooperation. Physical activities include dynamic exercises like moving with pace, changing directions and lateral agility. This class is the perfect fit for older 3 to young 4 year olds. -
Hello. I am interested in the soccer camp for my 5 year old son. I had a few qs: 1. Does caregiver / parent have to stay and watch their kid during camp hours? Or is it okay to drop off and pick up kid? 2. How is the restroom situation managed outdoors? Is there a bathroom on the field? Does the class regularly take bathroom and water breaks? 3. What about snacks and lunch? Thanks (Super Soccer Stars Camp) -
asked on Aug 01, 2021
Aug 24, 2021 - Christian O'Saile
Camps are drop-off sessions - parents are not required to attend with their child. Classes regularly take water breaks and restroom breaks, however, coaches are not allowed inside restrooms with children, so the kids need to be able to go alone. There is normally a longer snack break in between the middle of camp, and kids normally pack a lunch for their snack break. -
If I have a 5 year old who will be 6 later this year should I sign up for the 3-5 or 5-10 age group? (Super Soccer Stars Camp) -
asked on Jul 26, 2021
Jul 27, 2021 - LA Partnerships
It really is up to you on where you feel your player will fit (more on the emotional level and less on the skill level); however, we can look at the specific camp/week you are looking into and confirm the ages for the players already registered if that helps. -
Any uniform requirements? Any other fees besides the registration fee? (Super Soccer Stars Class) -
asked on Sep 08, 2022
Sep 08, 2022 - Christian O'Saile
You will be provided with a class jersey and soccer ball as part of your enrollment! No additional gear or fees will be required. šŸ˜ -
Would this be okay for a 9 year old whoā€™s never played, heā€™s athletic and a quick learnerā€¦ (Soccer Stars Scrimmage Games) -
asked on Jul 22, 2022
Jul 23, 2022 - Christian O'Saile
Definitely! Coaches will be present to help guide! -
Is daily class possible? What is the price for 5 days ? (Super Soccer Stars Class)
asked on Jul 21, 2022
Jul 22, 2022 - Christian O'Saile
Definitely! You can submit a Private Group request, commitment-free, to learn more. Pricing varies based on location and class size. -
The prices mentioned are weeklyt? (Super Soccer Stars Class)
asked on May 06, 2022
May 09, 2022 - Christian O'Saile
Prices listed are a one-time payment for a full season. -
Can you tell me the max number of kids per coach for 6 year olds? (Super Soccer Stars Class)
asked on Mar 23, 2022
Mar 24, 2022 - Christian O'Saile
Yes! That would be 11 children to 1 coach. -
How many kids in the class? (Super Soccer Stars Class)
asked on Mar 23, 2022
Mar 23, 2022 - Christian O'Saile
Hi there! Enrollment varies from class to class. We always keep our kid-to-coach ratio low for maximum attention! -
Is a mask required for all student and instructor? (Super Soccer Stars Class)
asked on Feb 28, 2022
Feb 28, 2022 - Christian O'Saile
Hi there! We are currently requiring all coaches to wear masks. Kids are required to mask up for indoor sessions, but not for outdoor sessions this upcoming Spring & Summer. -
Hi may I know if there private 1-1 fundamentals class for 10yo and where are the possible locations? Thank you (Soccer & Multi-Sport Private Groups)
asked on Sep 17, 2021
Sep 17, 2021 - Christian O'Saile
Hi there! Please fill out the request form, and we will connect you to our Private Groups team to go over your info. Thank you! šŸ˜ -
Hi I am interested in soccer classes for my daughters. She is 5 years old I was wondering what is the best class for her. This would be her first time she has no previous soccer experience. (Soccer Stars United Class)
asked on Aug 26, 2021
Aug 26, 2021 - Christian O'Saile
Hi there! Our Super Soccer Stars FUNdamental classes for 4-5 year olds will be the perfect fit! Your daughter will learn about the fundamentals of soccer in a fun, non-competitive, educational environment. Here's the listing info! -
Hi! I am in interested in soccer class for my 9 year old son.Which time can be better for him to attend? (Soccer Stars United Class)
asked on Aug 24, 2021
Aug 24, 2021 - Christian O'Saile
Hi! For the Fall season, we have Soccer Stars United class options for either 12pm or 1:05pm on Sundays at our Harborside Park location. Both sessions are a great choice! -
Are there weekend only classes? (Super Soccer Stars Camp)
asked on Jun 24, 2021
Jun 25, 2021 - Christian O'Saile
Currently our camps are only running on weekdays at this location. -
"Registration deadline passed" - Does this mean it is closed/full? (Super Soccer Stars Class)
asked on Nov 01, 2019
Nov 14, 2019 - San Francisco
Hello, we are taking enrollment for most of our weekend classes but some sessions have ended so that is why they are no longer showing as available. Can you let us know the location and age group you are hoping to register for? Best, The Super Soccer Stars Team -