March 8, 2024 - Esther Moore
My 7 year old daughter adores Steve & Kate's. She last attended for winter break which was a well deserved break from a potential two week home hang out. She sewed a dress for her cheetah stuffed animal, rocked it on karaoke and made a friendship bracelet for each leader. She said she wanted them to remember her because she'll never forget them. <3
March 8, 2024 - Laurel Hollenfirbes
Steve and Kate's focuses more on a philosophy than a program and kids love choosing their day every day!
February 17, 2024 - Callie Rae McCarthy
My children love being at Steve & Kate's. They can choose what they want to do, when they want. It also makes it super easy for me to drop them both off at the same place without worrying one of them won't like the activities. Plus, I don't worry about lunch/snacks or scheduling since they do refunds.
February 16, 2024 - Gertrude Simmons
A wonderful program! My camper says going to Steve & Kate's makes him feel free and I can tell he has gained so much confidence since going to this camp!
August 6, 2023 - Sarah Hobson
My kids had a decent time at this camp. I liked their hours and the flexibility of choice in activities for the kids on a daily basis.

Their lunches were just so-so...I wish they had offered different options that were less processed/carbohydrate-heavy (cheese pizza, bagel, mac-n-cheese, or turkey sandwich every day). Essentially the same menu every day. Where are the veggies?? Of course, my kids were obsessed with their delivery cheese pizza, which makes it hard for a home lunch to compete.

At the end of the summer, there was an incident where my son was singing a common song at camp one day and a child nearby took exception to it. The child was offended and my son was suspended for 1.5 days from camp. I have correspondence from the lead counselor that said they should have gathered more context about the situation as they didn't believe my son was doing harm, but the suspension needed to happen anyway. My son doesn't have a biased bone in his body, but the camp (at its corporate level) felt compelled to send a camper-wide email to explain that bias and racism would not be tolerated at their camp. The escalation that resulted from the common song my son sang that day is bewildering to me to this day.

Lastly, my oldest made her way out of the camp without the counselors knowing. This is a HUGE red flag for me. She walked out of camp and surprised me in my car in the parking lot where I was wrapping up a work call. The counselors had no idea and all I got in return was "sorry about that". This is not ok.

This over-priced day camp IS NOT worth sending your child to...especially with their trigger-happy suspension policy and the risk of losing +$100/day camp fee as a result.
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