
The most important item in learning a language is having the confidence to speak.  Access our teachers in our one-on-one online anytime during the week within any time window that fits your schedule. No driving, no classroom restriction, no soccer conflict, NO PROBLEM.

Teaching the best onsite and online Spanish. We care about getting kids to love Spanish!
Songs - Humor - Visuals - Gestures - Games - Puppetry - Skits

No vocab worksheets here. We use a multi-sensory approach to teach Spanish to kids. It’s unlike a Spanish club or tutor where you get some exposure then stop. We deliver our multilevel program that provides your child a path to grow while protecting your investment in their bilingual education.

Spanish for Homeschoolers
We admire parents who have taken charge of their kid's education and want a homeschool Spanish curriculum. We have a fun Spanish program for kids that we can teach ONLINE anywhere in the country. Or you can request our ONSITE Spanish classes in San Diego.

The Sing and Speak Spanish Experience

  • Activities designed to be memorable and FUN​
  • Program using songs, puppets, games, and gestures
  • A multilevel program (Level 1-7) with room to grow
  • Live-scanned personable teachers

Online courses are 1:1 with a Sing and Speak Spanish teacher. Your child can practice using the vocabulary taught in our lessons with real conversation, could catch-up on a missed lesson, or learn completely new material. We focus on verbal fluency in natural contexts (Te gusta Spiderman o Wonder Woman?). Each lesson is ½ hour and done via Zoom with availability during evenings, weekends, and summers.

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About Sing and Speak Spanish
Spanish enrichment classes to kids with our fun approach incorporating singing, puppetry, humor, and games. We also offer Spanish lessons online, and…
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