Featured Activities
PlanetBravo is currently the largest STEM Summer Camp provider in Los Angeles, as well as a provider of in-school computer instruction and one-to-one teacher training for technology integration.
From the beginning, PlanetBravo's award-winning summer camp has always been about giving kids a fun, confidence-boosting experience where they can explore and develop new STEM skills with their friends. Whether it's learning to code, crafting innovative science projects, making movies, modding Minecraft, or building robots, our kids are using their summers to do incredible things with technology here at camp.
PlanetBravo holds two different camps. A STEM camp for rising K-2nd graders, and the famous TECH camp for Grades 3-9.
To top it all off, our courses cost hundreds less than many other similar camps. Sign up today before space runs out!
Our counselors really are the all-stars that make our camps special, and many of them are camper-favorites who have been teaching with us for several years.