Coding Camp,
Computers Camp,
Day Camps,
Programming Camp,
Science & Technology Camp
Begin Java Coding - In this class, students will be learning about the popular coding language Java. No prior knowledge is expected. Students can bring their own laptops to save their work. The class will be hands-on with discussion on the topic, doing some examples, and asking students to apply them. There will be a project showcase in the end. We will also be doing projects after covering a few topics to see all the concepts working together.
Begin Python Coding - In this class , students will be learning about the popular coding language Python. No prior knowledge is expected. Students can bring their own laptops to save their work. The class will be hands-on with assignments after each class. With a project showcase in the end. We will also be doing projects after covering a few topics to see all the concepts working together.
Python for Kids - Part 1 - students will learn to install Python and will learn many of the fundamental concepts of programming, such as variable, if conditions, functions, and strings. They will also work with creating graphical user interfaces using Tkinter widgets such as frames, buttons, and labels. Kids will work on mini-projects and develop one final interactive game based on concepts covered in this session.
Python for Kids - Part 2 - Intermediate, students will build upon knowledge from the previous session, learning about looping, string manipulation as an object, reading and writing to files. During this session, students will apply their knowledge by creating mini-projects and creating one final project at the end of the session. Prerequisite: Previous experience with Python or have taken Python for Kids part 1.
Python for Kids – Part 3 – Advanced, students will move onto more complex coding concepts such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, and advanced logic with Tkinter object animation and collision detection while reviewing basic concepts from previous sessions. They will continue to work on mini projects throughout the class and then develop a final game at the end of the session based on what they have learned. Prerequisite: Python for Kids - Part 1 & Part 2 or prior knowledge of Python and Tkinter.
C++ Programming: C++ is an object-oriented programming language. It also runs fast and is flexible. In this class students will learn coding fundamentals and C++ basics such as variables, conditions, flow control and some advanced concepts such as classes, objects, and constructors. Throughout the class students will apply their knowledge through developing mini projects throughout the class and they will develop a final project based on all the concepts they have learned. No prerequisite.