The institutional refund policy for students who have completed 60 percent or less of the
course of instruction, and who have not cancelled as explained above, shall be a pro rata
refund. Students who have completed more than 60% of a program for which they
have paid are not entitled to a refund.
“Completed” is defined as classes conducted by the Conservatory for an active student who
has not withdrawn from the conservatory.
You are obligated to pay only for educational services received and for unreturned
equipment. The refund shall be the amount you paid for instruction multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of hours of instruction which you have not received but for which you have paid, and the denominator of which is the total number of hours of instruction for which you have paid.
- All course fees have a $100 non-refundable Registration Fee and $150 non-refundableApplication fee. Please refer to all other non-refundable fees listed on Page…that may
also apply to the course program student has enrolled in.
- Any student who notifies the Conservatory of cancellation or program withdrawal
in writing is entitled to a full refund less the $100 non-refundable Registration Fee
and $150 non-refundable Application fee and all other non-refundable fees listed
on Page…that may also apply to the course program student has enrolled in.
- Students have the opportunity to cancel and obtain a refund of tuition charges
paid through attendance at the first-class session or by the seventh day after
enrollment, whichever is later.
- All students must provide written notification of withdrawal, cancellation or request for refund.
- Only Students who have completed 60% or less of a course/program that has been paid are entitled to a refund based on the refund formula below. After 60% of the
course/program has been completed the course/program is non-refundable.
- Refunds must be requested in writing to the Conservatory office and refund will be
calculated upon receipt date.
- All refunds will be processed within 45 days of notification in writing.
- Any prepayment discounts or special pricing given to a student will be void if the
student withdraws. Student will be refunded minus the deductions, which will be
calculated based on the non-discounted cost per course/program.
All Course fees must be paid 10 weeks at a time; 6 weeks prior to each quarter start date. If, after the student has been accepted and enrolled and the date of the first class of the session is disclosed on the enrollment agreement, if a student opts to prepay their PROGRAM in full (1 or 2 years), they get a 10% discount for doing so. If the student wants the discount, their paymentmust be in full. If the student pays by the quarter, their first quarter must be paid in full in order to process their visa paperwork.
All Course materials that have an associated fee are non-refundable (i.e. textbooks).
Examples of Possible Refund calculations are as follows:
- EXAMPLE ONE: per course – not part of Certificate or Degree ProgramA student who has completed 90 hours (50% mark of a full-time quarter), in their first quarter, is entitled to a 50% refund based on unused tuition.
- EXAMPLE TWO: as part of a Degree Program
The Acting Degree requires 90 Credit Hours for completion. If a student has completed 36 credits or credit equivalents (15 hours of classroom instruction = 1 credit, 30 hours of lab/on set = 1 credit, 45 hours of practical experience: Internship/Externship =1 credit), the student is entitled to a 50% refund based on unused tuition. of instruction (50% mark of the Degree Program)
- EXAMPLE THREE: as part of a Certificate Program
A student prepaid for 2 quarters and attended one quarter. Two quarters equals 360 contact hours. The courses offered before the student provided written withdrawal were equal to 216 hours. There is no refund because the 60% threshhold has been met. If the student had attended only 198 hours before the withdrawal notice, then the student attended would have only attended 55% of the instruction offered. The unused portion beyond 198 hours would be prorated and refunded.
Refunds are based on the hours offered for which the student has enrolled (whether attended or not), amounts prepaid, and amounts in hours / funds for previous courses/programs already attended.
Conservatory CreditParticipants who withdraw from a course after the first class, may choose a Conservatory
Conservatory Credit will be held on file for 1 year and is transferable to another course
or a family member within that time.
Students who are pre-paid for courses and take a Leave of Absence, during which time
the courses of their program were conducted, are not entitled to a refund. However, a
Conservatory Credit will be held on file for 1 year and is transferable to another course
or a family member within that time.
Distance Education Refund Provisions (Not currently applicable to LAPAC)
An institution offering a distance educational program where the instruction is not offered in real time must transmit the first lesson and any materials to any student within seven days after the institution accepts the student for admission. The student has the right to cancel the agreement and receive a full refund as described above before the first lesson and materials are received. Cancellation is effective on the date written notice of cancellation is sent. If the institution sent the first lesson and materials before an effective cancellation notice was received, the institution shall make a refund within 45 days after the student’s return of the materials.
An institution must transmit all of the lessons and other materials to the student if the
student has fully paid for the educational program, and after having received the first lesson and initial materials, requests in writing that all of the material be sent. If the institution transmits the balance of the material as the student requests, the institution must remain obligated to provide the other educational services it agreed to provide, such as responses to student inquiries, student and faculty interaction, and evaluation and comment on lessons submitted by the student but shall not be obligated to pay any refund after all of the lessons and material are transmitted.
LAPAC does not currently provide instruction via distance learning modalities.
Federal or State Loans
If a student has received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of moneys not paid from federal student financial aid programs funds. If the student is eligible for a loan guaranteed by the federal or state government and the student defaults on the loan, both of the following may occur:
1. The federal or state government or a loan guarantee agency may take action
against the student, including applying any income tax refund to which the person
is entitled to reduce the balance owed on the loan.
2. The student may not be eligible for any other federal student financial aid at
another institution or other government assistance until the loan is repaid.
You have the right to withdraw from a course of instruction at any time. A notice of
withdrawal must be made in writing to the Los Angeles Performing Arts Conservatory,
ATTN: Registrar, 1404-08 Third Street Promenade, Santa Monica, CA 90401. But please be
advised that a constructive withdrawal of a student may also be made by the school. Such a
withdrawal will be determined to have occurred if, in the estimation of the school and
instructor, the student has failed to attend any five consecutive class meetings and has not
responded to school attempts to contact the student.