Photography and Video,
Science & Technology,
Using NASA's MicroObservatory online, learn how to access robotic telescopes, take photographs of galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters and use image processing tools to bring out detail in these photos the same way that professional astronomers do. Download the free image processing software onto your computer's hard drive from the NASA web site and request an image(s) from the robotic telescopes in the dark skies of Arizona. You will need access to a computer during this activity.
Using a search engine, locate and download images of the selected object taken by detectors sensitive to various frequencies in radio, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays, and assemble with the processed visible image. Then, information for each selected object, such as type of object, when discovered and by who, constellation found in with its celestial coordinates, apparent and true size, brightness, etc. will be compiled onto a page or "block" and can be added to a cyber “Cosmic Quilt.” Color poster-sized printouts of all blocks can be assembled together for a physical Cosmic Quilt and put on display as an exhibit for all to see.