FLEXZONE SUMMER CAMP at Sacred Heart Prep Atherton150 Valparaiso Ave., Atherton, CA 94027(650) 512-2304

Student-Teacher Ratio 12:1

Get ready to dive into hands on projects and some fun summer collaborative activities!   

What is FLEXZONE?  Enrichment camp fueled by play & creativity (6th-8th graders) - We believe that creative play isn't just fun—it's a catalyst for change and growth.  Unlock your potential, fuel your spirit, and ignite your imagination!

We created a camp where kids can step outside their comfort zone and discover new opportunities for personal growth through FUN, creative play.

What We Do:  EACH WEEK offers a variety of enriching experiences and activities designed to challenge you and help you grow. We have a curated agenda of culinary, design, play and S.T.E.M activities. 

Includes lunch that campers will make & prepare! 

Cancellation Policy
From Provider (13)
From Participants (1)
5.0 (3)
(Flexzone Summer Camp-Culinary, Create, Play & STEM)
July 3, 2024 - Karina Pupio Raimundo
Verified Purchase
This is a great summer camp, our son loves to go, they always do different and fun activities and they are protected from the hot summer sun. This is our third year going and we will be coming back. The people who run the program are great and trustworthy.
(Flexzone Summer Camp-Culinary, Create, Play & STEM)
July 3, 2023 - Cathy Kaho
Verified Purchase
My 8 and 6 year old attended their 2nd year of summer camp at Flexzone this year. We have been pleased with the summer program at Flexzone year after year. The weekly themes are fun for the kids - the schedule still seems to be mixed even with the theme. My two children look forward to camp and talk a lot about all the fun they had when they come home. We would definitely recommend Flexzone to others and can’t wait for next year’s session!
Laurel Donnenwirth
August 15, 2023
Thank you Cathy for your feedback. We absolutely love having the kiddos with us. See you all soon!
(Flexzone Summer Camp-Culinary, Create, Play & STEM)
June 25, 2023 - Sonal Koster
Verified Purchase
My 7 and 5 year old sons both had a wonderful time! Wk1 of Camp they learned how to make tacos and smoothies, as well as play lots of fun games. Wk2 my son built a bookshelf as part of a team & enjoyed daily team building games. I haven’t seen my kids so enthusiastic about returning to camp before! Looking forward to returning for the robotics camp in Aug.
Laurel Donnenwirth
June 26, 2023
Hi Sonal - this is amazing! The LEMO family is so excited to hear that both boys had a fantastic time at Flexzone! Can't wait to see them in August.
Questions & Answers
What kinds of meal choices do kids have? I have a picky eater. (Flexzone Summer Camp-Culinary, Create, Play & STEM) -
asked on Jun 20, 2022
Jun 21, 2022 - Laurel Donnenwirth
Hello there, we offer 5-6 meal options each day through a company called school foodies. I would be happy to send you their meal options via email if you would like to check them out in depth? Also, if your child is registered for camp at least a week in advance, we send out the menu in our pre-camp email, and parents are able to select the menu for their child vs. us picking for them. -
About LEMO U
We are a 45,000 sqft campus dedicated to excellence, reimagining the youth and student athlete experience; one that nurtures innovation and values…
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