Each day's specific itinerary is different, but all days include a mid-camp snack break and relaxation/game breaks for fun and socialization.
DAY 1: Intro to the stitch - learn the basics and choose a project to complete
DAY 2: Beginning the swatch - crochet students will begin a single granny square, knitting students will begin a scarf, weaving students will begin a mini tapestry.
DAY 3: Continuing the swatch - students continue work on their individual projects with problem-solving assistance from their teaching artists.
DAY 4: Project wrap-up -
those on crochet granny squares and weaving tapestries will finish up
those knitting scarves can continue as far as they can go, with the intention of finishing at home.
DAY 5: TIE-DYE - students will tie-dye t-shirts, using easy and safe natural dyes such as onion skins (orange/brown), cochineal (purple/red), turmeric or goldenrod (yellow), indigo (blue), and more.