Artificial Intelligence (AI),
Data Science,
Machine Learning,
Web Development
1-on-1 Python Boot Camp
Beginner -> Expert -> Hired Python Programmer
The Python Boot Camp takes you from beginner to expert. By the end you will create 75 different portfolio projects, and you'll be all ready to start getting hired as a Python Programmer!
Why Master Python?
Even though Python is easy to learn it's great for creating games, developing websites and web applications, performing data visualization, and it's the most used language in the world for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence!
How Does This Course Work?
Month 1 - All the Basics!
In the first month we cover all of the basics of programming with Python. The major skills covered are listed bellow, but we also cover a lot more, such as good code formatting, naming conventions, and much more!
(If you already know everything below, You Can Skip This Month!)
Month 2 - Advanced Concepts & Graphics
In the second month we start to think like advanced programmers, learning how to create classes and use inheritance to do work for us. We also cover several graphics libraries and create Graphical User Interfaces.
Month 3 - Web Development & Automation
In the third month we dive into web development, web applications, databases, and how to setup/use automation in several different applications.
Month 4 - Data Visualization & Machine Learning
In the fourth month we learn different ways to sift through data and setup different styles of data visualization. We also cover the basics of different Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms.