Hi Five Sports Zone - North Point Mall does not have upcoming sessions on ActivityHero right now. We can send you an email when they do.
Hi-Five Sports Zone is a state-of-the-art indoor sports facility located at the North Point Mall in Alpharetta. Our facility occupies 7,500 square feet of basketball court and turf field space to help foster sports exploration and development for youth Pre-k to 12 yrs old.
Birthday Parties
Homeschool Programs
Pre-K Sports Classes
Leagues (T-Ball, Soccer, B-Ball, Flag Football)
After School Programs
Parent Drop off/Open Gym
Mommy & Me
Holiday/Summer Camps
All of our coaches must pass a strict National background check process. Hi Five coaches are then hand selected based on their sports knowledge, communication skills, ability to be a role model. Lastly, they must display a desire for quality! Quality is our #1 core value...Our staff strives to produce quality athletes, students and citizen in the community!