Questions & Answers
Are you really going to have 6 y.o.'s in the same class as 19 y.o.'s? (Start Your coding Journey with Python) -
asked on May 31, 2020
Apr 26, 2021 - Siliconvalley4u team
Hi Neha - This is very much appropriate for 3rd /4th year grade students./ We gave wide range of ages to encourage all the students to get into coding regardless of the age if they are beginners. How ever we do not combine older students with younger students. Our classes are structured for similar age group students. Hope this helps. Thanks -
Jun 01, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
Not exactly . However when it comes to coding , many students under 19 are not exposed to coiding. So we are encouraging them to join even if it's late. Hence such a wide range of ages. We go by skill level and age. Not just age.If there's a huge age disparity and kids are not comfortable , we make the changes accordingly. Hope this clarifies -
I can't get into the class we registered for. Can you help? (Summer Camp - Python For Beginners) -
asked on Aug 19, 2024
What device/operating system is recommended for this? (Summer Camp - Roblox Madness) -
asked on Jul 29, 2024
Hi, I am interested to sign up for the Math Olympiad classes for my son. We will be traveling in the summer, so we may be missing a few classes. How do you make up for the missed classes? Thanks and looking forward to your reply before signing up. (Math Olympiad) -
asked on May 19, 2023
May 19, 2023 - Siliconvalley4u team
We will arrange make up classes upon your return. You can attend multiple classes in the week to make up missed classes. Hope this clarifies -
Hello, SiliconValley4U. I have a question - Are your weekly camp summer sessions available on a per day basis? If so, how much would each day be? My son is interested in Minecraft, but I don't think he could be available every day on a given summer week for this. Thanks for your reply. (Summer Camp - Minecraft Madness) -
asked on Feb 03, 2023
Feb 03, 2023 - Siliconvalley4u team
What we have recommended in the past for these scenarios to have you by one camp and attend a day every week for 4-5 weeks. We also have weekly classes (after school program), if there's anything left we can use the credit for weekly (1hr) classes. Please let s know if this works. if not please let us know what works for you, we will discuss internally and get back to you. -
What is the student to instructor ratio for this class? (Summer Camp - Coding4Kids: Python/Scratch Program)
asked on Jun 24, 2022
Does this require Bedrock or Java? (Summer Camp - Minecraft Madness)
asked on Jun 21, 2022
Jun 21, 2022 - Siliconvalley4u team
Java is required. How ever installation will take care of it. -
How can I join the online meeting of Ethiopia public speaking, where do I find the link (Ethiopia Coding Academy - Public Speaking)
asked on Nov 01, 2021
Nov 02, 2021 - sv4u team
Hi Dagmawi, the meeting details will be sent to your email once enrolled with the session. -
Do we need to have a 3D printer? (Learning 3D Printing Camp - 5D2H)
asked on Jul 23, 2021
Jul 23, 2021 - Siliconvalley4u team
You don't need a 3D printer. -
If my son has to miss the first day of this week long class would that be ok? He has taken a week of Roblox from another virtual camp. Thanks! (Roblox Madness Camp - 5D2H)
asked on Jul 13, 2021
Jul 13, 2021 - Siliconvalley4u team
That should be fine. we can bring them up to the speed -
Is this really suitable for 7 year olds who are new to programming and computers? (Python for Beginners: Start Your Journey)
asked on Jul 11, 2021
Jul 12, 2021 - Siliconvalley4u team
Yes. 7 year old can. But since no prir coding experience , we recommend this one : -
What is the difference between the 2-hour (9-11AM) vs. the 3-hour (9AM-12PM) Movie Making with Scratch classes? (The price is almost double for the 3-hour class — is it reduced class size?) (Movie Making with Scratch Camp - 5D2H)
asked on Jul 10, 2021
Is this based on grade level or does this class have kids from age 6 to 18? My daughter is in third grade right now and I am really interested in signing her up for this but wanted to make sure this is not a generic session and is appropriate for 3rd/4th graders. (Math Olympiad)
asked on Apr 26, 2021
Hi, How is the class time divided between Scratch and Python? Is there an option for students who want to primarily focus on Python? Thanks (Python for Beginners Camp - 5 Days | 3 Hrs/Day)
asked on Apr 15, 2021
Apr 15, 2021 - Siliconvalley4u team
Absolutely - we will teach students Python from the Day-1 in this camp , if they choose to do so. -
Let’s Do Fun Movies with Scratch: I see 3 week session to register for now, but in the description the course looks like it is longer than that. Can you clarify please? (Let's Do Fun Movies With Scratch!)
asked on Dec 29, 2020
Dec 29, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
Thank you for the query. Please check the link now, It had on going session listed , we took care of it. It is for 12 weeks as listed in curriculum ( -
Is this movie making using the app Scratch? If my son has already taken a Scratch animation course would this be redundant? (Start Your coding Journey with Python)
asked on Aug 13, 2020
Aug 14, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
This class teaches them how to put together animated movie using scratch. It depends on what they learned the previous camp. But here it teaches application of Scratch, not just learning building blocks -
What are the basic requirements to do this course (python coding)? (Coding4kids - Python/Scratch Programming)
asked on Aug 02, 2020
Aug 02, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
For beginners there are no prerequisites. We want kids to get interested in coding. So you we do not expect them to have any prior coding or analytical knowledge or experience as we try to extract that -
What are the timings for UAE if we want to start from tomorrow? (Coding4kids - Python/Scratch Programming)
asked on Aug 02, 2020
Aug 02, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
You can also attend on weekends. Please let us know if that works for you. -
Aug 02, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
UAE is 13 hours ahead of California (PST). Camp hours can be late or bed time for you. You can sign up evening classes at 6PM PST(not a camp) which is 7AM for you. Please let us know if this interest you, we can email you the details -
See more answers (1)
My child is a beginner. Is it okay if she begins on day # 2? (Coding4kids - Python/Scratch Programming)
asked on Jul 28, 2020
Jul 28, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
That's fine. Once enrolled, we can inform the instructor to get your child additional attention to come up to the speed. Please try to sign up for 1PM session. -
My 8 yo is interested in learning to code. I'm thinking of enrolling him for the next week available. Will he learn from the basics? Do you recommend more than one week? (Coding for Kids)
asked on Jul 22, 2020
Jul 22, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
Yes - he will learn from the basics. We put him in the beginner track, Please sign up for either Python/Scratch or Movie making camp to get started. To answer your second question: Coding is a process and a daily routine. More he does better it is for him. Definitely signing up for more weeks help him to start enjoying coding. Once he gets the hang of coding there are various options and paths for him to continue to learn and be creative. -
Is it possible for siblings to register together? (Start Your coding Journey with Python)
asked on Jul 16, 2020
Jul 16, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
Yes, Absolutely -
Would my son be able to participate in this class using an iPad? (Start Your coding Journey with Python)
asked on Jul 05, 2020
Jul 06, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
We recommend a laptop, but IPAD should be OK. -
I have enrolled for the coding online classes which is to be started from today . How is it going to be conducted? If zoom then I haven’t received any ID and password ? Please do let me know (Coding4kids - Python/Scratch Programming)
asked on Jun 22, 2020
Jun 22, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
Please check email. also check spam folder. We are having issues where our emails are stuck in SPAM folder -
How many kids are normally in the class? Will there be breakout sessions during the class? (Coding4kids - Python/Scratch Programming)
asked on Jun 20, 2020
Jun 21, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
8-10 students per class , we try to keep. Yes - if we have more students there will be more instructors and have break out sessions. -
Do kids need laptops or can iPad work? (Coding4kids - Python/Scratch Programming)
asked on Jun 20, 2020
Jun 21, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
For scratch or Movie making , Ipads are OK as long as students can handle the touch screen and key board and get assistance from a parent -
How many days does this course run? (Coding4kids - Python/Scratch Programming)
asked on Jun 19, 2020
Jun 19, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
Each camp is defined for 5 days (Monday thru Fri). If you want longer span, you can sign up for multiple camps -
My daughter is interested in Python/Scratch class ( June 22 to June 26). Since she is familiar with Scratch, is it possible to do more Python in class? Does the class spend 50/50 for Python/ Scratch? (Coding4kids - Python/Scratch Programming)
asked on Jun 18, 2020
Jun 19, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
Yes , We teach both . We start with Scratch to build the students interest and switch over to Python during the course. WE try to do at least 50-50 of both -
Do the kids need to have prior knowledge of programming? Is this suitable for an absolute beginner? (Coding4kids - Python/Scratch Programming)
asked on Jun 18, 2020
Jun 18, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
No. No prior coding knowledge is required . This is defined for the beginners. -
Do kids get to interact with a friend taking the same class? (Coding4kids - Python/Scratch Programming)
asked on Jun 09, 2020
Jun 10, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
Absolutely. They can interact with the instructor as well as other friends in the class. Sometimes we do break out sessions where they can interact in smaller groups. -
My kid is 5.5 years old. Is this too advanced for my child? (Let's Do Fun Movies With Scratch!)
asked on Jun 07, 2020
Jun 08, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
Depends on the maturity level. As long as he/she can use mouse and follow instructions for 2-3 hours, it should be OK -
Is this appropriate for a 7 year old? Will they be taught scratch? (Start Your coding Journey with Python)
asked on Jun 07, 2020
Jun 08, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
Yes - very much. He/she should enjoy! -
How are your classes structured? Do you share screens over a video call? What materials are required for the classes? (Start Your coding Journey with Python)
asked on Jun 03, 2020
Jun 03, 2020 - Siliconvalley4u team
yes - we do share screening as well as instructor present on the video explaining to students in an interactive way. We recommend Windows 10 or Mac to login to zoom call use the same machine for the actual class. Chrome book is OK. No other material is required. -