
A. Course Overview:

The Python Programming curriculum is a one-semester course covering topics typically found in introductory computer programming (coding) courses. Other introductory programming courses are not required; students merely need to have typical computer usage skills prior to starting this course.

B. Teaching Strategies:

The course material is designed to appeal to a variety of students, from traditional learners who thrive on written text to audio-visual students who enjoy a multi-media format. All content is delivered through an online system that allows students to work seamlessly both in the classroom and at home.

The main chapters concentrate on Python programming and computer science topics. Certain states may require additional topics ranging from computing ethics and security to career exploration to the impact of computers on modern society. The course contains additional supplemental chapters at the end that can optionally be used to meet common state requirements. Teachers may choose to assign Supplemental Lessons as desired to meet state standards or student interest.

The final “Creative Project” is optional and can be completed in small groups 

C. Course Planner:

Some classes may move faster or slower than the suggested pace.

The planner assumes students are working daily with approximately 45 to 60 minutes of class time. In most cases, the planner estimates one day per lesson (including the lesson quiz), one day per graded chapter activity (lab), and one day per chapter test. Some larger labs are assigned more time.

D. Reading and Objectives:
    Chapter One: Fundamentals of Python
    •    Introduction to Python
    •    Running Python Programs
    •    Writing Python Code

    Chapter Two: Working with Data        
    •    Data Types and Variables        
    •    Using Numeric Variables        
    •    Using String Variables    

    Chapter Three: Input and Output
    •    Printing with Parameters
    •    Getting Input from a User
    •    String Formatting

    Chapter Four: Making Decisions        
    •    Logical Expressions        
    •    The “if” Statement        
    •    Logical Operators        
    •    More Complex Expressions   

    Chapter Five: Finding and Fixing Problems
    •    Types of Errors
    •    Troubleshooting Tools
    •    Using the Python Debugger

    Chapter Six: Lists and Loops        
    •    Lists and Tuples        
    •    List Functions        
    •    “For” Loops        
    •    “While” Loops        

    Chapter Seven: Numeric and Data         
    •    Dates and Times            
    •    Advanced Data and Time Management            
    •    Random Numbers            
    •    The Math Library     

    Chapter Eight: Working with Strings
    •    Character Data    
    •    String Functions    
    •    Input Validation with “try / except”    

    Chapter Nine: Functions
    •    Writing and Calling Functions        
    •    Function Inputs and Outputs        
    •    Local and Global Scope     

    Chapter Ten: Python Classes    
    •    Thinking about Objects    
    •    Class Variables and Methods    
    •    Managing Class Files   

    Chapter Eleven: Class Instances
    •    Creating Objects with Instance Data        
    •    Instance Methods        
    •    Managing Objects     

    Chapter Twelve: Food Fight Project
    •    Introducing “Food Fight” 

    Chapter Thirteen: Creative Project Requirements (Scale as desired to meet available time) Design
    •     Project Life-cycles and teams Coding Testing    
    •     Supplemental Chapter One: Python on Your Computer    
     •    Installing Python    
     •    Managing Projects    
     •    Using the Python IDE                 
     •    Supplemental Chapter Two: Computers and Individual exercises per lesson Modern Society
     •    Global Computing Issues
     •    Managing Your Digital Identity
     •    Impact of Computing
     •    Artificial Intelligence

Classes will be taught online (Zoom Links will be provided once registration is done)

What to Bring
Cancellation Policy
From Provider (2)
5.0 (1)
(Python for Beginners: Start Your Journey)
February 13, 2021 - Powen Tu
Verified Purchase
My son has been really enjoying his coding class so far. He looks forward to it every week. His current teacher Aryash and previous teacher Mounica have been great - my son says they are patient, answers all their questions and keeps the class fun.
February 15, 2021
Hi Powen - Thank you very much. We love to have your son in our program. Looking forward to more classes. Thank you
Questions & Answers
Is this really suitable for 7 year olds who are new to programming and computers? (Python for Beginners: Start Your Journey) -
asked on Jul 11, 2021
Jul 12, 2021 - Siliconvalley4u team
Yes. 7 year old can. But since no prir coding experience , we recommend this one : https://www.activityhero.com/biz/ecolt-sytems-inc-dba-siliconvalley4u/movie-making-with-scratch-camp-5d2h -
About SiliconValley4u
Siliconvalley4u is a "Code-preneur Academy" that connects trainers from top schools such as Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, Harvard, IIT, University of…
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