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Workshop for parents/caregivers of children 9-18 months old
Your baby is becoming a toddler-how exciting (and exhausting!). Don’t fear the toddler transition!
Join Early Childhood Matters to learn more about this period of dramatic child development. Learn more about your child’s rapidly developing brain, and find out what is behind the often unexpected challenges that may arise in toddlerhood (mealtime struggles, tantrums, hitting/biting, shyness and more). Practice positive discipline strategies that nurture connection, communication, and curiosity in your emerging toddler, while planting the seeds for emotional intelligence right from the start.
This class will be offered virtually via Zoom with Alexis Buckley on Tuesday, June 16, 7:30-9pm. $40 for your entire household. Recording will be available if you can’t make that time for 2 weeks after you receive it. The recording will also be provided to clients who purchase the class after the live date.