iFLY is an indoor skydiving experience that creates true free fall conditions, just like skydiving, without having to jump out of an airplane. iFLY’s vertical wind tunnel generates 1600 horse power from 4 powerful fans, creating a wall-to-wall cushion of air on which you can safely float. There’s no parachute, no jumping, and nothing attaching you to planet Earth. It’s just you and the air, and it’s the most incredible adrenaline rush.
About iFLY While other rides simulate flight, iFLY actually allows their guests to fly using vertical wind tunnel technology. Fun for the family, an exhilarating date, or the adrenaline junkie in all of us, strap on some cool safety gear and get ready to hit the wind!
Flight School: The expert instructors will explain the science and safety behind the wind tunnel technology at iFLY. You will learn in detail how the high powered fans recirculate air around the sides of the building and up through the center air chamber, to provide you with a flying experience that is so real – Sky divers themselves have been training in them since 1993. Learn the insider’s scoops about body control and hand signals that you’ll need during your test flight. After a lesson with the experts and an instructional video, you will be ready to go!
Flight Gear: iFLY makes the experience of indoor sky-diving real - all the way down to the gear that they provide all flyers. Everyone is given a flight suit, goggles, ear plugs, a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads. Decked out in that gear, your family will look so extreme that somebody might mistake you for real sky-diving daredevils! Holiday picture anyone?
iFLY Flight: You will have smile painted on your face watching your children discover the magic of physics as they flip and soar within the wind tunnel. But the kids don’t get to have all the fun, when it is your turn – you will experience the exhilarating feeling of pure weightlessness. Hover around, spin, or do a nose dive, your family will have a hoot watching each other glide in midair.
Vouchers are only valid at location which they are purchased for.
Please Note: Your experience will begin promptly upon your arrival so please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early for your reservation, so you have time to check-in. No more than 6 vouchers can be purchased and used for a flight session.