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Cucu's PlayHouse is a Language Immersion School located in San Rafael, California that specializes in teaching Spanish through Music and Movement to children aged 3 months to 5 years old.
Our program combines the benefits from music, meaningful play and exposure to a second language for babies and young children, serving as a solid base to introduce them to bilingualism and stimulate their brain development by active music participation.
Nilda is the Lead teacher of Cucu's PlayHouse. She currently teaches the virtual classes only. Her passion for music started at an early age. Growing up in a family of Cuban musicians, she was exposed to a rainbow of latin rhythms and sounds. Her culture revolves around music and dance, and she loves to share it with others. Her natural ability to engage with small children, allows her to capture their attention and provide a nourishing learning experience. She is extremely creative and is constantly developing new musical activities and games for the program.
Lorena has been teaching our in-person classes for over a year and has been such a wonderful addition to our family! She has years of experience in early education, and a very warm and welcoming personality that children absolutely love.
Cucu's PlayHouse won Activity Hero's Best of 2020 Award, voted by parents as the Second most popular class in Activity Hero's platform.