Courtesy First does not have upcoming sessions on ActivityHero right now. We can send you an email when they do.
Courtesy First is an etiquette and protocol consulting firm. Our aim is to teach children, families and professionals alike the importance of business and social manners. Our goal is to create a more confident and polished you!
Our staff are highly qualified. The founder of Couresty First and principle instructor, Ellianna Temple, has a background in teaching character internationally in public schools of Europe. She has a masters in international protocol and diplomacy and event organization. Her love for etiquette and children make her classes and camps a must. She makes manners fun and exciting with easy ways to remember things like the 65 table manners and more. Her staff helpers also have backgrounds with teaching children and it is their utmost priority to not only provide a fun and educational camp/class for your child but also a safe experience as well. We hope you will join our summer etiquette camp as we explore the life changing world of etiquette, manners and character.
Ellianna Temple along with several of her staff have received the President's Volunteer Award for their work done in European schools.