(Super Roblox 3D Game Design)
July 24, 2022 - Karen Lin
Verified Purchase
The instructor is great. My son enjoyed his class.
(Super Minecraft Modding Adventures)
August 11, 2021 - Brittani Ashley
Verified Purchase
Jaxon is already begging to do it again! The teachers were awesome.
Code Super Powers
August 12, 2021
Thank you so much for your feedback Brittani! We had a blast working with Jaxon. He is extremely creative. We hope he can join the after-school or Saturday Minecraft coding club. All the best!
July 22, 2021 - D'Wana H
My 12 year old son and his 10 year old cousin both signed up for the program at the same time and they absolutely LOVED it! They were already playing Roblox and Minecraft for fun anyway, but after signing up with Code Super Powers, they were able to explore the backend of these games and learned how to code and create their own games. This experience opened up a whole new world for them. As a result of taking this program, they now look at video games with a different prospective. Instead of just playing video games, they are now asking themselves how they would create the animation since they are now familiar with the coding process. Their overall experience was great. The staff was exceptional as they created a fun and safe environment for the boys while being online. The program is affordable and has a variety of classes that will definitely pique your child’s interest especially if they are into video games.
July 22, 2021 - Robert R.
12 yr old daughter loves the program. Registration is super easy. Code Powers has sparked an interest in STEM. Highly recommend for those interested in STEM or looking for a fun & affordable program for their kids.
(Roblox Game Design Adventure Camp)
July 8, 2021 - Erica Rutledge
Verified Purchase
There must have been a promotion, because we did not pay the regular price. For what we paid, it was a decent value. Our daughter enjoyed it, so we looked into signing her up for the following week, but it was more money than we thought it was worth. The reason may be that it is targeted at true beginners, and she had already done some Roblox game design, so I don't think she learned much from this session.
Code Super Powers
July 8, 2021
Thanks for your reply! Your daughter only had one class with us. During the first class, instructors assess each student's coding experience, then place them on a suitable pathway from beginner to advanced. We offer 90 minute classes, as well as 3-hour camp sessions. You may be mistaking the 3 hr day-camp price with the 1.5 hr class price. Our Comcast RISE camp promotion is a great value. We provide 3 hours of interactive coding (with breaks) for only $47. Roughly $15 per class hour. It's even more economical when you enroll in a week-long camp (roughly $11/hour).
For advanced Roblox students, the course dives into full fledged programming with complex LUA scripting. Advanced topics include multi-game launching, data storage, coroutines, advanced welding, module scripts, velocity manipulation, remote events, CFrames, raycasts and more. However, we want beginners to enjoy our user-friendly learning environment, without being intimidated by industry jargon. Thanks for coding with us. Hope to see you all again!