First of all, the camp was held at Ed Levin County Park, not at a RANCH. They provided one-hour horse ride inside the fenced area every day, but that was it. Nothing else. No trail ride even though there was a perfect trail for horseback riding right there. They divided up the kids into 3 groups but not based on their ability. While group 1 was riding the horses, then group 2 and group 3 were just waiting in the bench area. They were not allowed to run around or do anything else. There were NO "when not riding, you'll get to play games, make new friends (I guess this part was true) and get crafty" like it was advertised. So this part was really disappointing. They definitely could done better planning more activities for kids for the camp instead of just WATCHING kids from 9 am to 3 pm. I think the description for this camp was somewhat false advertising. There was no chicken coop or vegetable garden. I understand that the lease was up at the original ranch and had to move out the location back in October, but even in the situation, this camp could have provided better activities for kids when they were not riding the horses.