This activity does not have any upcoming sessions open for registrations on ActivityHero right now. We can send you an email when they do.
Student-Teacher Ratio 10:1
In the morning: Join us on an adventurous journey through space! Build the Redstone Rocket to blast through the atmosphere into a realm that is truly out of this world. Travel back in time to build NASA's Gemini Capsule. Trust your astronaut's building skills to pilot a spacecraft that will bring you back to Earth safely. We'll build motorized models that represent spacecraft from your favorite popular space movie. Come experience this stellar journey to a galaxy far away!
In the afternoon: Steve is jumping for joy as he introduces the newest members of his Minecraft® world. Campers will be challenged to bring their virtual designs to life by building new mob figures, mosaics and custom models, incorporating LEGO® Bricks.
Safety Procedures:
We are changing various procedures to maintain some social distancing. We will be doing curbside check-in and pick-up to eliminate groups of parents and kids waiting in line. We will have hand sanitizer that is used by every student before and during camp activities. We have frequent hand washing as well especially before and after eating. Our staff will be wearing masks during pick-up/drop-off and all indoor activities. We are not requesting that our campers wear masks at this time.