Questions & Answers
I am interested in my son taking this class. He doesn’t have any program experience currently. He is 13. Would that be too old to take the class? (STEAM Studio: YouTube Masters) -
asked on Mar 15, 2022
Mar 16, 2022 - Jenny Ing
Good morning!!! Thank you for your interest in our Brainstorm program! 13 is definitely not to old! I think he will still enjoy the class plenty. He doesn't need any prior experience since we will be teaching all they need to know to succeed in the class. It's very beginner friendly! We hope to see you there! Have a wonderful day! -
Students don't end school until 3:15, and with pick up and travel time we probably won't be there until 4pm. Do you have other more accommodating schedule in OC please? (Young Einsteins: STEM Lab) -
asked on Oct 10, 2021
Oct 11, 2021 - Jenny Ing
Hi there, Thank you for taking your time to inquire about our programs! Unfortunately, with this Ladera Ranch class, their Community Center is only open for a short period of time so our class will not be able to start any later than 3:00 PM in order for us to instruct during their hours of operations. But, if you are looking for classes through OC, we have some great classes we're running through the City of Irvine. Feel free to look over the classes under our Registration tab, under "City of Irvine." If you have any other concerns or further questions please feel free to email or call us directly. Thanks so much! - BrainStorm -
We never received the zoom/link information to start the class tomorrow (June 7). Can you kindly send it to the students? Much thanks! (STEAM Studio: YouTube Masters) -
asked on Jun 06, 2021
What is the teacher: child ratio for these classes? (GAMEMAKER: Roblox Design & Coding) -
asked on Nov 14, 2020
Nov 14, 2020 - Darren Jones
Hi, The teacher to child ratio is 8:1 for our classes, so students get lots of individualized instruction, but can still make friends. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Have a great day! Best, BrainStorm -