Student-Teacher Ratio 8:1
Dungeons and Dragons is a roleplaying game of fantastical situations and thrilling adventures. Players assume the role of a hero of their own creation and work together others in a party to overcome hardship and survive in dangerous a world. As much a performative art as a game D&D fosters improvisation, creativity, collaboration and communication. With out screens and minimal visual aids, players are encouraged to use clear communication to navigate a largely abstract world of the imagination. No two games are the same and each story is unique to its players. No prior experience is necessary as new players will be taught both by the Dungeon Master and their peers over the course of the camp.
Our Monday camps will be led by Emmy award winner Slater Penney. Our Thursday and Saturday sessions will be led by master dungeon master Sam Tillis.
Please note that Monday Camp 1 is an hour and 45 minute class while Monday Camp 2 is 80 minutes.