ATX Kids Club has been an empowering and delightful experience for our children, Devin (12), and Nola (11). This is the second summer they have gone to multiple ATX Kids Club weeks of camp. We noticed it last year, and saw it well after summer ended — our kids knew our hometown Austin better than either my wife or I did. All fall, winter, and spring they took us to, and told us about, Austin landmarks they had gotten to know during ATX Kids Club camp: our new central library, the University of Texas campus, the Austin Food Bank, and many more.
They also gained a new appreciation for how to get around our town, riding city buses, and walking all over the city. They came home tired every day from camp last summer, and eager to talk about their day (no small accomplishment, as they are tending toward typical teens’ responses of grunts when asked about any thing). It was an easy choice to send them back to ATX Kids Club camp for multiple weeks this year. Again they are tired at the end of each day, but hopping out of bed every morning, excited about where they are going that day.