St. Andrew's Episcopal School - Jackson4120 Old Canton Road, Jackson, MS 39216469-226-6781

Students will spend half day on Minecraft Modding and half day in Game Design Camp.  (Minecraft AM and PM Video Game)​​​

In Minecraft modding, the week begins with learning the game, controls, recipes and a bit about hosting & networking. Next campers are connecting to different worlds hosted on our secure server and experimenting with character skins, mods and custom maps. By day three, the kids are building in the Active Learning World that grows over time. Whether adding a room, building a moat or even creating a chessboard the possibilities are nearly limitless.

Game Design Camps use our custom designed curriculum and children have a blast as they learn to program a video game using step-by-step instructions while learning a bit about the history of game design, design concepts, game styles, and more! There are no prerequisites. The first few days focus on programming basics and by late week the children are well on their way to creating their own games. At the end of camp, campers can download the software, the custom walkthrough guide, resource folder and the games they created, so they can continue to play and create at home.

Our staff is comprised of the best hand-picked children's chess instructors in North America and our computer enrichment staff is specifically trained to teach the software and curriculum. We feel so strongly about our instructors' abilities that we fly them to each of our camps from their home cities. Our selection process for instructors is highly competitive. In addition to in-person meetings, interviews and classroom observation, we conduct thorough background checks to ensure that only the best instructors are part of our team. Teaching children is their passion and their enthusiasm is infectious.

Five different Game Design Camps are offered in combination with Minecraft Modding. Themes vary by location and may include:

Scratch Animation Students are introduced to programming by creating short story animated movies with a focus on fun. Campers will create animated stories using the Scratch animated programming tool which allows them to program interactions between characters. They will use a gallery of characters, scenery and custom animations that are designed to help develop their story. The students will learn basic programming skills and have the opportunity broaden their imagination. This is a half-day program. Students can add an additional program to make it a full day camp.

Arcade Style Video Games The Arcade course is a program where the game that is created has action for each level all on one screen similar to Centipede, Asteroids, or Pac Man. The main character (which the children create) can be anything. Other characters (enemies) pursue the main character from off the screen or move about the screen. The character dodges the attacks of the enemies while scoring points for picking up objects and destroying the enemy objects. Options are endless and children create level after level for a full week of fun.

Kodu Video Games - Adventure Style Children will have the option of creating a video game on a Microsoft computer or learning how to program using a Microsoft Xbox controller! Students will create their own cool custom world and navigate through it. Within this world they will create tasks that need to be completed in order to progress to the next level. Some of those tasks include escaping a maze created by the student, a survival mode, outwitting rivals, creating decoys and collecting bonus items!

Kodu Video Games - Mario Go-Kart Style Children create their own Mario Go-Kart style game. Campers begin by designing their own world. Worlds can have mountains, valleys, lakes, hills, etc. or they can be a design unlike anything you have ever seen before. Next they place characters into the world and program them to move about, interacting with other characters, even talking using scripts written for the characters. They can program characters to pick up objects, engage opponents, and overcome villains. Children will use their creativity as they build a world full of racing tasks.

Platform Style Video Games Children build a game described as a "platform" game like Sonic or Mario. Children have a blast as their characters do the impossible, overcome obstacles and enemies and then conquer the Big Boss. The character progresses on a long path (like a journey) with the background scrolling behind it and adversaries, prizes, obstacles, are encountered as it goes. Lessons on the basics will be similar to the Arcade course in the very beginning, but the class diverges and different programming techniques are taught in order to build this Platform game.

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From Provider (4)
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(Minecraft & Game Design Camp)
June 10, 2019 - Yanze Xie
Verified Purchase
My daughter really enjoy her video game class, the coach is very nice and patient.
(Minecraft & Game Design Camp)
July 22, 2018 - Jonathan Sweet
Verified Purchase
I don't want to take away from the camp at all. The camp leads were great, the camp itself seemed to be well worth it. I would have given this 5 stars, except that online signup was sub-par.

I had looked at the listings earlier in the year, and the signup site was difficult to navigate and filled with conflicting information about pricing, times, and camps. I sent an email to the support email, and highlighted my difficulties, mostly due to the conflicting information and that I wasn't sure what was true and what wasn't.

I returned maybe 2 months later, and nothing had been fixed. Everything was still super confusing. Honestly if there was any other similar camps I would have booked through them. I ended up booking the more expensive camp, even though it said it was a 1/2 day (because I assumed that it wasn't). I figured that I could always get my money back due to the website being a mess.

In addition, the website said full day camp was 8am until 2pm. It wasn't until the day before that we were notified that it was actually 9am to 4pm. As working parents, this certainly threw a wrench into things since we went out of our way to make sure we had coverage for 2.

My son went to four summer camps this year, every camp would send out notices and communications before camp (some even annoyingly so). This camp was radio silent until 24 hours before the first day.

My complaints are 100% on whoever was in charge of managing the online signup. The camp itself was excellent and well worth the trouble.
(Minecraft & Game Design Camp)
July 15, 2018 - Stacy Warfel
Verified Purchase
My son loved his minecraft and videogame arcade camp. He said it was fun and he learned different things everyday. He wants to return next year. The teachers were very nice and helpful.
Questions & Answers
Is there any winter break camps??
asked on Nov 30, 2019
About Active Learning - Chess and Computer Camps
Chess, Video Game Creation, Scratch Animation, and other enriching camps designed to stimulate creative thinking.
Usually responds within 1 business day
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