We are excited to provide an enriching after-school art class at TCCS this year!
Each session will feature all new ceramics and painting projects.
Your child's instructor will be meeting them after school at line up. Once our class is all gathered we will be walking over to the high school art mod for class. Students will return to line up at 3:45pm for pick up or to be signed into extended care.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations and Refunds: Occasionally, classes are cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. In such cases, the Registration Office will notify you approximately 72 hours before the class begins and the full class fee will be refunded, either by check or credit card, depending on your form of registration. reserves the right to substitute instructors. Students may withdraw from a class before the second class begins by calling the Registration Office. You will be charged a $15 cancellation fee. If the first class has met, you will be charged for that class—in addition to the cancellation fee—regardless of your attendance. No refund will be made once the second class begins and under no circumstances will tuition be transferred to another term. Membership fees are non-refundable. No cash refunds are available. Processing of refunds takes approximately three weeks. For one day workshops you may withdraw one week in advance. You will be charged a $15 cancellation fee and the rest of the tuition will be reimbursed.