This activity does not have any upcoming sessions open for registrations on ActivityHero right now. We can send you an email when they do.
Join us for camp this summer! This year we will be learning more about the great artists who “rocked” the art world.
-Awesome large scale art projects and mosaics!
-Tons of extra side projects!
-Artist biographies and art history lessons.
-Thursday morning pancake breakfasts. Yum!
-Awesome raffle prizes.
June 12-14
Time: 9:30am-12:00pm
Klimt Mosaic
Make your very own stepping stone based on Klimt’s “Tree of Life” with beautiful pieces of glass and ceramic. These camps always fill fast!
Finished size: 12” square
Time: 9:30am-12:00pm
Matisse Mixed Media Watercolor
Create a large scale watercolor based off Matisse’s goldfish. Drawing, watercolor and collage lessons will give you the tools to complete a large collage painting.
Watercolor size: 18” x 24”-BIG!
June 26-28
Time: 9:30am-12:00pm
O’keefe Tempera Painting
During this camp we will be covering drawing and painting lessons as we complete a flower painting in the style of Georgia O’keeffe.
Completed poster painting will measure 22”x28”-BIG!
July 10-12
Time: 9:30am-12:00pm
Van Gogh Plexiglass Painting
In this camp we will be using glass painting techniques to complete a stained glass style plexiglass sun catcher based on Van Gogh’s “Starry Night."
Watercolor size: 11” x 14”
July 24-26
Time: 9:30am-12:00pm
Warhol Ceramic Pop Art
Using bright colors, we will be completing 4 portraits on ceramic tile to complete an Andy Warhol inspired “pop-art” piece.
Finished work will measure about 12” square
July 31- August 2
Time: 9:30am-12:00pm
For our final camp we will cover drawing lessons of a variety of tropical animals and plants. We will finish by creating our own crazy jungle scenes inspired by the art of Rousseau.
Stretched Canvas will measure 11”x 14”