STEM4kids has been providing technology-focused Camps and Classes for students and we have loved and achieved every moment of it. Our offerings include…
Hi there. Does this class require a Windows or Mac laptop to install an IDE? Or will it be web-based and a Chromebook suffice?
(Java Programming Camps) -
Can 8.7 year olds attend this? My son is turning 9 in September so this class may suit him, but unable to add him as a participant
(Python Programming - Online Camp) -
Does this class has different levels? My son will take advanced level. Not sure whether this one is only for beginner. Thanks!
(Python Programming - Online Camp)
asked on Apr 17, 2021
Apr 18, 2021 - Shweta Chordiya
Yes, we have different levels in camp. We are going to test the child at the beginning of the camp, to see where child stand as per that we will assign/design the camp curriculum. -
Classes start tomorrow but I did not get any details of the zoom meeting id or any information about what software needs to be installed for the class.
(Java Programming Camps - Online)