While this camp covers all that is needed to form a solid foundation in C-programming, you also have the option to pick specific sections to cover.
Topics included -
- Variables and Data Types (int, float, double, char; identifiers, variables, data types, constants)
- Console IO Input Output Operations
- Operators and Expressions (arithmetic operators, logical operators, modulo, relational/comparative operators)
- Branch Statements (if/else, switch)
- Loops (do-while, while, for loop, break and continue)
- Projects
We can also cover the following depending on students' knowledge -
Functions (pass by value, pass by reference)
- Arrays (standard arrays, 2D arrays ("matrices"), multi-dimensional arrays)
- Pointers (pointers declaration, pointer arithmetic, pointers and functions, pointers and arrays, malloc, calloc)
- Strings (basics)
- Structures
- Recursion