Featured Activities
At Castle Rock Arabians, we welcome all beginning riders, regardless of age. We will ensure that with just a few basic lessons (about five) you can determine if you have a real passion and desire to keep riding and you will see the countryside from the back of a horse—here in the Walnut Creek foothills.
Your stress will melt away as you feel the gentle pounding of hoof on dirt, soft rustle of the saddle and the rhythm of a four beat walk taking you gently through the landscape. You will settle back into time where no intrusions of cars, freeways or noise clutter your view. The country here is as it was when the Spaniards arrived in 1775.
The horse offers something for all ages, from 4 to 80 years old. Children discover and learn; adults find respite from the concrete jungle or household responsibilities; the horse is an athlete that can carry you 20 to 100 miles on trail in a one day competition. The horse has the legs that take seniors into a wilderness adventure too far to walk in a day.
Children already know what we have yet to learn. They speak to horses from their heart. A child learns to ride not from strength but by their senses. We at Castle Rock Arabians teach children to respect and care for their horse and ride with confidence, ease and tact.
For tweens and teenagers, we build team spirit through various team activities on horseback. Our kids are part of a trail team, show team and drill team. They may choose to participate in one or all. Each team comes complete with activities and competitions such as schooling shows, Class A horse shows with our trainers. Our Juniors are competing in 25 to 30 mile trail rides. All with adult supervision.
Our students with special needs, such as Asperger’s, find success in riding horses and relating to the equine. Our Instructor, Heidi Koch, is certified by NARHA and holds a European certificate in Therapeutic Riding instruction.
For our tiny riders, ages 4 to 6 we use ponies that are just the right size for them. It is a magical world of discovery in which they learn all facets of riding and caring for horses. Ponies make smiles that last all day and their quiet nature calms the most fearful child. Parents are welcome to come and watch their child ride. Stay all day for camp if you want. Or just long enough to feel comfortable.
Castle Rock Arabians is a small but effective horse ranch that caters to the individual’s need and desire to make horses part of their lifestyle.
While Castle Rock Arabians does not offer public trail rides, we do take our own students on the trails after they have learned basic control skills.
Visit the ranch by appointment, meet our instructors, horses, and all of our young dedicated apprentices that work and play on our ranch.
Senior Instructors have completed a 40 hour (each year) clinic and are CHA certified for teaching groups safely.