Academic Camps,
Day Camps
For this high achieving math and design class, our slightly older Minecrafters build and solve math architecture and puzzles using our one-of-a-kind Math program CodeREV has built for students who love to create to learn math more deeply and more conceptually through design, architecture, and extremely fun building. Mathletes class is for students 3rd grade and up, who are looking to improve on their math skills while having the time of their lives creating in Minecraft.
CodeREV is actually currently training teachers across America in this program, and even presented this ground breaking class at the renowned ISTE EdTech and MineCon conferences!/p>
InLivestream Online for Mathletes kids get the same amazing LIVE teacher, social interaction they need with other campers, and incredible MathCraft worlds hosted on CodeREV's special custom server, with talk, chat, and whiteboard integration from the comfort and safety of your own computer at home. Daily and Weekly Livestream Spring Camps, Full Day and - HALF DAY, and Weekly Classes Now Available!
Half Day AM: 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Half Day PM: 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm