(Tinkering School One Day Camp)
June 25, 2019 - Samir Sanghani
My 6 year old son attended the 5 day Tinkering School summer camp. It was a shocking experience for us parents - we could not believe the size and complexity of structures he built with his kindergarten/1st grade peers using power tools (for the first time). The staff really do a great job teaching and encouraging the kids to create, imagine, and experiment. The staff emphasize safety and force the kids to respect the space (put things away, sharing cleaning chores). He is already talking about another year of camp and spreading the word with his school friends.
(Tinkering Studio)
April 20, 2019 - Marci Javril
I was looking to rent space for a class, and when I walked into Rediscover center and saw the crafting room, wall full of tools, and all the recycled materials, I knew I had arrived at my new HeartSpace! I've been volunteering part-time since Sept 2018, for whatever they need (help with tinkering, crafting, inventory sorting, etc), and these people are dedicated, funny, patient, cooperative, supportive, and all around WONDERFUL!! I hope to continue to grow my own experiences with the Tinkering School and party outreach this summer. See you around the corner soon!
reDiscover Center
April 22, 2019
Thank you Marci! We are so very happy you found us and enjoy your assistance always!