Rockdale Gymnastic does not have upcoming sessions on ActivityHero right now. We can send you an email when they do.

Past Activities
Rockdale Gymnastic
Rockdale Gymnastics is a full sized gymnastics facility that provides gymnasts and up-coming class kids instruction on all main gymnastics apparatuses. We also train students on various types of trampolines which include double mini-trampoline, in-ground trampolines, tumble strip and a 30-foot-in-ground tumble trak to help facilitate progression and practice in skills. The gym also has many skill mats and crash pits (soft-landing mats) to ensure better safety to our student's learning environment. The gym also provide activities for kids that want to come by and just play around for birthday parties, parents night out, and summer camp. Kids can enjoy climbing our 20-foot rock wall, zip-lining, and flying on the bungee swing. The back of the gym also has a huge, fun and entertaining tree house for our younger ones to play. Rockdale also has a dance studio, dance room, pool, field for play, and karate room. We provide many alternative and diverse things for all children. So stop by and see for yourself. We'll be more than happy to show you around!!!
Contact Rockdale Gymnastic
Rockdale Gymnastic does not have any reviews yet.
What ages can go to Rockdale Gymnastic?
Rockdale Gymnastic has activities for children. Age-appropriate activities are designed to engage and inspire children at different developmental stages.
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