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Ballibay is a safe, inclusive, and diverse haven for young artists and different-thinking kids. My parents, Dottie and Jerry, founded Ballibay in 1964, and I've been a director of the camp for over 20 years.
Dottie and Jerry were not only interested in creating a great summer camp; they were reformers with a vision for an alternative arts-based educational model that emphasizes a deep respect for the creativity of children, and values childhood not as a preparation for adulthood, but as a real and beautiful way of being that has value in and of itself.
Rather than writing a book or publishing papers on their educational vision, they founded Ballibay both as a summer camp and as a lab for these ideas about what teaching and learning can be. They created a generous space in which kids make real choices about how to spend their time and energy with the support of a warm, caring, and talented group of adults, including many adult professional artists who are camp parents themselves.
Their experiment has been a great success, and after over 50 years of exploring and refining a set of core principles around non-competition, individual choice, non-mediated, conversation-based learning, and a genuine respect for kids, Ballibay is well established as a singular haven for the unique child. Ballibay campers are all “different thinkers” in one way or another. Many of them simply by virtue of being young artists, unusually self-motived kids, or ardent explorers in one or several creative areas; but also many are exceptional in other ways, and perhaps struggle with some or many of the conventional expectations of school and social existence.
Ballibay is a uniquely welcoming and accepting community embracing many different ways-of-being. Over 80% of campers and over 50% of staff are with us for more than one summer, and think of Ballibay as their summer home.
Our staff is composed of a mixture of university students, graduate students, young professionals, and professional artists. Our minimum hiring age is 19. We look primarily for kind, gentle people who make interesting artwork and have respect for children. We certainly also have some very experienced teachers: up to 25% of our staff are professional artists whose children also attend camp. We appreciate this maturity and experience as well as the energy and playfulness of our college-aged staff members who are in a period of artistic discovery themselves.
For first-year staff, we offer two weeks of training before the campers arrive and ongoing training throughout their first summer. More than 50% of our staff members return each year, so there is also significant peer mentoring within our community. We hold daily full-staff meetings all summer in order to maintain an ongoing dialogue among all the staff and camp administration.
We have a full-time nurse living on campus who is on call 24 hours a day.
#1 rated arts camp on CampRatingz since 2011
#1 rated camp in PA
9 best arts camps in the US
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