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Camp Isola Bella
High in the Berkshire Mountains lies a shining lake with a beautiful island in the middle. Each summer, this camp for the deaf beckons deaf and hard of hearing kids from all over the United States to come and enjoy its beauty. Owned and operated since its beginning by the American School for the Deaf, the camp follows the School's open approach to communication. This means that whatever a camper's mode of communication: sign language, oral, aural, lipreading or a mix - staff are willing and able to meet it. "Total Communication" puts the main emphasis on getting the message across, in whatever way works best for the particular camper. We are also opening our doors to children of Deaf Adults (KODA), as well as to those with deaf siblings!
Overnight Camps
Contact Camp Isola Bella
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What ages can go to Camp Isola Bella?
Camp Isola Bella has camps for children. Age-appropriate activities are designed to engage and inspire children at different developmental stages.
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